ITT Recipe Exchange

I invented a nice thai stir fry thing once, I think the ingredients went something like this:

Bamboo shoots
Spanich cut into strips
Yellow pepper diced
Few cloves of garlic
Bay leaves
Tomatoes diced
2 table spoons of honey

Basiclaly shove it all in a wok, add some mixed herbs in at the end and serve with egg fried rice or just plain rice. It's pretty yummy.
8 carrots
2 onions
6 celery stalks
12 potatos
handful of mushrooms
3 chicken breasts
one large rock

chop everything up (save for the rock, of course), toss into a large pot and cook for two hours on high heat

viola, stone soup :D
I just picked up an AWESOME cookbook from my Mom's house today. It's supposed to be all low calorie meal ideas but they LOOK excellant! I'm going to make a chicken dish tongiht so if it's good, I'll post it tomorrow. I can't yet decide which to cook yet.
I'm resurrecting this thread cause I just made up a new recipe and it's actually quite tasty

Smores Bars

Make Rice Krispie treats, but instead of Rice Krispies use Golden Grahams.

After mixing the cereal and marshmallows, add chocolate chips (add the amount depending on how much chocolate you want). Let set up, enjoy. :)
kiwi said:
I'm resurrecting this thread cause I just made up a new recipe and it's actually quite tasty

Smores Bars

Make Rice Krispie treats, but instead of Rice Krispies use Golden Grahams.

After mixing the cereal and marshmallows, add chocolate chips (add the amount depending on how much chocolate you want). Let set up, enjoy. :)

I'm assuming you used the cereal because grahm crackers are too soft and crumbly?
kiwi said:
I'm resurrecting this thread cause I just made up a new recipe and it's actually quite tasty

Smores Bars

Make Rice Krispie treats, but instead of Rice Krispies use Golden Grahams.

After mixing the cereal and marshmallows, add chocolate chips (add the amount depending on how much chocolate you want). Let set up, enjoy. :)

That sounds delicious. Fly honey, can we make these plz?
itburnswhenipee said:
I'm assuming you used the cereal because grahm crackers are too soft and crumbly?

Why yes.

Actually I hadn't even thought of using real graham crackers but they probably would crumble and are too big to mix well.