WTF UCSB shooting guy posted a creepy manifesto on YouTube. It's since been pulled...

That forum, if you read the article is dedicated to sick delusions. It's like stormfront on cocaine if stormfront hated women more than Jews and blacks.

exactly. again, what do you expect visiting a shithole like that?

only a real moron would deduce from this small subgroup that there is a large population of men that feel this way and the country/world is full of misogynistic tendencies or gender inequality....they are still a very small minority in the big scheme of things.
Yeah, she showed a screenshot of how many people were in the chatroom that she got so enraged in. She mentioned that it went from about 10 early day to 'dozens' buy mid afternoon.

Dozens.. Yup, that numerical subset is perfect for figuring out how 200 million or so men in America feel.

Although its enough to label Muslims that way.
For those that think that this was once again an isolated case of mental illness and not anything related to misogynistic tendencies or gender inequality, lol Jezebel:

jezebel is probably the least credible source of academic/scholarly ANYTHING, aside from xojane. I read it daily and am shocked at how radical, out of touch, and narrow-minded the people who post and write for them are.
[11:04 AM]: she doesnt weigh that much but shes only 5.3"
[11:04 AM]: women under 5'5 shouldnt be above 100. i fucked an escort who was 5'5 120 and i thought she was fat. i realized women withotu clothes are much uglier than with clothes
[11:04 AM]: yeah
[11:04 AM]: legit
[11:04 AM]: i see most women as some skinnyfat dude with a pussy. they are just subhumans acting liek they are the shit
[11:05 AM]: thats why cfnm porn is so legit
[11:05 AM]: lol
exactly. again, what do you expect visiting a shithole like that?

only a real moron would deduce from this small subgroup that there is a large population of men that feel this way and the country/world is full of misogynistic tendencies or gender inequality....they are still a very small minority in the big scheme of things.

You're repeating what I already said
rofl where that from

her timeline of events of her day reading that forum. see article link.

1.) her boyfriend takes baths?!? kinda shows me the type of man she is into.
2.) that reading a forum makes her "upset" to the point where she has to barge in on his relaxing bath DEMANDING to know if all men are like this...and when told no and to calm her tits, is still "in a huff"
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her timeline of events of her day reading that forum. see article link.

1.) her boyfriend takes baths?!? kinda shows me the type of man she is into.
2.) that reading a forum makes her "upset" to the point where she has to barge in on his relaxing bath DEMANDING to know if all men are like this...and when told no and to calm her tits, is still "in a huff"

That's all hyperbole. It's jezebels job to act outraged at everything
to further explain, if you read these ramblings from the nutjobs, they're all basically jealous of the fact that women who are (in their eyes) not worthy of sex are having sex and "parading" it around in front of them....... they're basically jealous they were born men, and not women.