WTF UCSB shooting guy posted a creepy manifesto on YouTube. It's since been pulled...

seriously. fucking 22 year old just out of ocs boot fuck moron with a criminal justice degree. to me you're a goddamn private-salutable, go sit your happy ass down and clean your fucking rifle, sir.

I mean, it just shows the level of douchery if someone can even consider being butthurt over that! It's funny!
I mean, it just shows the level of douchery if someone can even consider being butthurt over that! It's funny!

I know, I was just taking an opportunity to rant about that guy :lol: it really is a kinder, gentler military these days. the sensitivity training is a bit extreme for an organization dedicated to putting rounds downrange and warheads on foreheads
I know, I was just taking an opportunity to rant about that guy :lol: it really is a kinder, gentler military these days. the sensitivity training is a bit extreme for an organization dedicated to putting rounds downrange and warheads on foreheads

Sticks and stones may break their bones but we can't hurt them with words? But sticks and stones are okay, and missiles
As soon as that phrase was spoken, whomever said it would instantly be called to HR...

Lol, my previous boss had a sign in her office that said something like that.

I work with 2 women who have this on their desk or cork board.

Last edited: people with this misogynist talk and gender jealousy

The sheer number of these people who frequent these sorts of forums is such a small minority of the general population.

But they're still out there, and they're whackjobs. And I feel pretty certain that for every whackjob that posts on a forum like that, there's at least a handful or more that think like they do but haven't found the means to convene and discuss raping women and blowing them to smithereens.
Yeah, she showed a screenshot of how many people were in the chatroom that she got so enraged in. She mentioned that it went from about 10 early day to 'dozens' buy mid afternoon.

Dozens.. Yup, that numerical subset is perfect for figuring out how 200 million or so men in America feel.
But they're still out there, and they're whackjobs. And I feel pretty certain that for every whackjob that posts on a forum like that, there's at least a handful or more that think like they do but haven't found the means to convene and discuss raping women and blowing them to smithereens.
you mean perversion exists...and it's only men?

For those that think that this was once again an isolated case of mental illness and not anything related to misogynistic tendencies or gender inequality, lol Jezebel:

What a bunch of fuckin psychos. Then again, she went looking for them specifically. If you go to a place like that, or some other shithole underbelly den, internet or not, you're gonna find the lowest of the low people with this misogynist talk and gender jealousy

The sheer number of these people who frequent these sorts of forums is such a small minority of the general population.

That forum, if you read the article is dedicated to sick delusions. It's like stormfront on cocaine if stormfront hated women more than Jews and blacks.