WTF UCSB shooting guy posted a creepy manifesto on YouTube. It's since been pulled... people with this misogynist talk and gender jealousy

The sheer number of these people who frequent these sorts of forums is such a small minority of the general population.
But that was literally a forum he was part of, so he WAS one of them...
gender and sex are not the same thing

I know, and understand that.

So........... Your point? That he was one of the minority?
Well feenx's contention was that it wasnt an isolated case of mental illness.

She pretty much proved her point by demonstrating other examples.

Derp derp

Also your topic shift to it being a "statistical minority": Violent criminals are a statistical minority compared to the population at large. For some reason though we still don't dismiss them as 'lol it's just a couple crazies'
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Women need to shut up and just be glad we gave them internet access to begin with. If they're going to use it to act like ungrateful assholes, we'll need to take it away again.