Hawt The Useless RPG Thread

The visitor is benevolent. It slowly takes the form from the air, of a maiden, drenched and drowned looking. Shivering, and teeth chattering. She can barely speak she is so cold.

Flashing a quick but genuine smile to show friendship at the new inhabitant of his lab, but still unknowing as to who she is or what is her intent, Hiroki motions her to a chair sitting besides a cold fireplace. Always looking to do something showy and ostentatious, he makes an arcane symbol in the air with his hands and casts fireball at the laid out tinder and timber in the fireplace, looking to ignite the fire with a flourish.
I get it now.
Rolled a 5.
5+3. You attempt to smoke the building out, but get so high attempting to light the stash, that you end up falling into a deep sleep. You awake several hours later, closer to your goal, as the rest of the building is passed out, but not yet having retrieved your gear, nor having done anything for your reputation
Eloyn Larkspur: A race is to be won! The city has recently announced the finding of a rare artifact, housed within the tower of Arbaghast. The tower s locked, and none have been able to enter, however there are cryptic runes, referencing a plague, spread by swine coming in days if the tower is not conquered.
On it!

I head towards the tower and examine the first locked entryway
  • Gravy
Reactions: my little brony
Roll 3 D6's, the churches are naive and ill guarded. For each roll greater than 4, you will receive 3 silver.

I'll return in the morning to one that didn't have anything to steal and await the soup kitchen lines. I wish to observe the poor people because where there are poor people there are drugs. Hopefully someone's got an itch they can't scratch and it's showing.

Using my knowledge of the town's history I would like fool such a person into thinking I'm a former resident of their neighborhood and if they can provide me the name of a hookup I'll get a fix for both of us.

If such a person is not found plan B will be breaking into the constable's evidence locker.
You accidentally trip over your own feet, and knock Eloyn Larkspur over. Breaking her favorite lockpick, and reducing her chances of successful pick by 2 next encounter.


@Mrs. Valve valve right now, probably


I'll return in the morning to one that didn't have anything to steal and await the soup kitchen lines. I wish to observe the poor people because where there are poor people there are drugs. Hopefully someone's got an itch they can't scratch and it's showing.

Using my knowledge of the town's history I would like fool such a person into thinking I'm a former resident of their neighborhood and if they can provide me the name of a hookup I'll get a fix for both of us.

If such a person is not found plan B will be breaking into the constable's evidence locker.

So, are we to assume the ages old method of becoming friends with a table busser at Applus Beeus to find a weed stash in a new town is not a thing yet?
  • Gravy
Reactions: adi

I'll return in the morning to one that didn't have anything to steal and await the soup kitchen lines. I wish to observe the poor people because where there are poor people there are drugs. Hopefully someone's got an itch they can't scratch and it's showing.

Using my knowledge of the town's history I would like fool such a person into thinking I'm a former resident of their neighborhood and if they can provide me the name of a hookup I'll get a fix for both of us.

If such a person is not found plan B will be breaking into the constable's evidence locker.

you gain 3 silver, enough for 1 joint of weed, approaching completion of your quest if you can only find a dealer.

Roll for charisma,d20.