In this thread....

Drool-Boy said:
Theres a Paris, Texas too.
Never been there, but I bet its all Frenched up:rolleyes:

Looks pretty gay to me.

F33nX said:
danke danke :heart:
lots of people think i'm an overachiever, but growing up it was really hard to live up to the expectations that were set out for me. most probably scarred me for life.

UUMMMMMMMM..i hear ya, good buddy...
fly said:
commando is only sexy once in a while. panties add beauty and a hint of mystery.

spiderwebbed ass? Spange needs to hit that shit a little more often if you gots cobwebs...

cobwebs will remain forever on my ass, thankeweverahmuch. *shuddering smiley*
kiwi said:
I was just trying to think of useless stuff, the 4.0 did nothing for me, not even a decent scholarship. :rolleyes: No way I'd bother trying for one again if I had to go back. Especially since I'm a college dropout anyway. :fly:
You have alot more sense than most, you wouldn't consider going back to college or uni?