Hawt Extremely Rapey Girly Thread

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Actually by Catholic teachings there are okay reasons for BCPs. Two things for me: I have a high risk of having my health in jeopardy if I get pregnant again. The nurses during delivery were worried I wouldn't recover and be left without kidney and liver function. With my BP being so high they were worried I'd stroke out or have a clot kill me or something.

I am told getting pregnant could get my life in danger and I shouldn't do it.

Also my non BCPs periods are so bad that it affects me physically and emotionally. I have low BP naturally and when I lose too much blood I get faint which is not good. No other medications seemed to work so this option is there to help me physically there.

In the eyes of the church, this is all okay because it is keeping the life of me okay. A friend of mine had to have an abortion because her baby was literally killing her due to a disease she has. Again the church values the life of the mom - and in order to keep one life alive, it was considered okay to do. If she hadn't had the abortion two lives would have been taken and that is simply not okay.

This all falls under the idea of "Principle of the Double Effect" It depends on what the purpose of the medicine and abortion are for. If it is to save the life of the mother or simply to tread a medical issue where nothing else can work, it can be considered okay.

Now I know my dad had a vasectomy and I know my mom was told not to have another child again because I nearly killed her (how odd right) for other reasons though. So I have a feeling my uber religious mother had it okay'd for that same kind of reason.

Personally I'm not so strict about things, but yes, it can be considered okay if you are doing the letter of the law.

Pays to read up on religions to find out the facts :)
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