Hawt Extremely Rapey Girly Thread

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Me off BCPs is a bad thing. It was horrible when we were trying to have a kid. Of course I noticed things changed after the first pregnancy, but after the 2nd I went on BCP so fast I have no clue how bad it would be for me now.

A part of me would love them to just yank it all out so I don't have to deal.

BC made me really sick and fat and miserable. i also got killer migraines and my dr got me off them. i never looked back.
BC made me really sick and fat and miserable. i also got killer migraines and my dr got me off them. i never looked back.

I think we're total opposites. Not being on it made me miserable. Oddly I gained all the weight after I went off - I know the real reason why but I will just blame it on horrid PMS :lol:

If I had the same as you, I'd do the same. In fact one of my friends had the same thing happen to her as you so she told to go off as well. I feel for you guys who don't tolerate it well.

I'd love to try an IUD but I've heard so many horror stories from friends. I worry about not being on hormones regularly too (I know one has hormones but they are low dose and may not work well for me)
am i going to hell becuase I had a vasectomy?

If you are asking me honestly I have no real answer. It's not something I ever looked into really. There are legit reasons why BCPs, abortions and all that are okay in the eyes of the church, but it has to do with valuing the life of the mother. I can't think of a reason why a vasectomy is okay from a Catholic point of view. Though my dad had one and I need to look into why it was "okay"

So yeah you are going to burn in hell - enjoy it ;)
If you are asking me honestly I have no real answer. It's not something I ever looked into really. There are legit reasons why BCPs, abortions and all that are okay in the eyes of the church, but it has to do with valuing the life of the mother. I can't think of a reason why a vasectomy is okay from a Catholic point of view. Though my dad had one and I need to look into why it was "okay"

So yeah you are going to burn in hell - enjoy it ;)

Oh I know I'm gonna burn, I was just wondering if it was because of the vasectomy or not. And I did it so my wife isn't taking hormone pills forever. Rather noble of me.
If you are asking me honestly I have no real answer. It's not something I ever looked into really. There are legit reasons why BCPs, abortions and all that are okay in the eyes of the church, but it has to do with valuing the life of the mother. I can't think of a reason why a vasectomy is okay from a Catholic point of view. Though my dad had one and I need to look into why it was "okay"

So yeah you are going to burn in hell - enjoy it ;)

technically you're not supposed to take birth control or have abortions etc in the eyes of the church. no where in the bible does it say, shove a vacuum in your twat and extract your fetus in the name of God.

exhibit A

technically you're not supposed to take birth control or have abortions etc in the eyes of the church. no where in the bible does it say, shove a vacuum in your twat and extract your fetus in the name of God.

exhibit A


nor does the bible say "Though shalt have a clown car for a vagina"
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