Everyone keeps saying my son is sooo small...

Sarcasmo said:
Oh they are, for at least two years you have to be up in their business at all times. No life whatsoever. Kids in general are a massive amount of responsibility. You can't assume anything, you can't let your guard down, and you can't leave them alone. Shit happens in under a second sometimes. It's scary.

Typically though I'm comfortable leaving my son in a room alone unsupervised for two minutes now because I know his personality. He's a very wary and cautious child. Some kids run out into the street and act like hellions, but he quietly considers everything and isn't even comfortable going outside without holding my hand. Plus after a couple of minutes he comes to find me to make sure I'm still there. He is not amused when he can't find me.

We let our daughter roam about. How else is she gonna feed herself?
Sarcasmo said:
I can't even kid around with him like that. I did once, and then I saw his face. I can't take seeing my son upset. It breaks my heart. Truly upset, not just pissing around and pouting like when he tries to get me to let him stay up late. That makes me laugh.

our daughter likes to walk into our closet and close the door, but not all the way. When she does close it completely she cries. Usually I open it for her.
ChikkenNoodul said:
Has she learned which berries not to eat yet?

She only eats meat, actually. The bunny population has dropped precipitiously as of late.
smileynev said:
our daughter likes to walk into our closet and close the door, but not all the way. When she does close it completely she cries. Usually I open it for her.
My cat has gotten into the habit of locking himself in the bathroom. He'll run into the bathroom and push the door closed, and just sit there in the dark until someone opens the door.

I guess he needs alone time.
zengirl said:
Is there some way to get a child to this cute phase without having to go through with the sleepless nights and pee soup poop?

I guess you could hand him off to a relative for the first two years...
ChikkenNoodul said:
I think you need to send her after the goat.


I guess the goat was at the baptist camp by our house. Along with the glider dude who flies around in the parachute attached to the fan thingy. He buzzes by our house periodically.
Sarcasmo said:
I guess you could hand him off to a relative for the first two years...
No, I figure it'll be like the kittens... and I think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't like kittens... pooping everywhere, getting into everything, not understanding the word, "no" or any sort of boundary... but boy they sure are neat when they grow out of that phase and turn into cool cats who know all of that stuff.

It did take about 3 years for the latest kitten to learn all that stuff and behave.

I think I'll postpone motherhood another couple/few years. I really couldn't let someone else raise my kid.
ChikkenNoodul said:
Powered parachute :lol: those things look crazy to me...

Baptist camp? Oh man, the fun you can have over the summer......

yeah, it looks like fun actually.

Should I be more worried about wild coyotes or roaming campers?
zengirl said:
I think I'll postpone motherhood another couple/few years. I really couldn't let someone else raise my kid.

In your case letting someone else raise him or her may be the best choice you could make...:fly: