Cat flips out bites owner 20 times

The woman who has been living with my brother for about 15 years now is a ranger. She shares my opinion. So does every other ranger I have ever spoken to.

And, I have spent my entire life in the mountains; so, I have personal experience as well as countless contacts with people who live there.

Not saying that you are not telling it like you hear it... it is just that I am telling it like I personally experienced it, lived it, know the people that live there daily. And, just for the record, because we differ on opinions and personal life experiences doesn't mean one of us is on drugs.

Well, it's kinda like people and squirrels, most people look at a squirrel and go... "Oh hey look, a squirrel, isn't that cute?" Until it starts eating your gardens and ruining your birdfeeders, then you sit on your deck everyday with your .22 just waiting for one of the little bastards to get too close to your Mom's petunias so you can blow it to kingdom come.

did you land on a giant trampoline???? lol

I thought everyone knew this. Haven't you seen the scars on my elbow and shoulder from surgeries? In fact we talked about this while drinking one night, you pointed out the metal in your head. :lol:
And, just for the record, because we differ on opinions and personal life experiences doesn't mean one of us is on drugs.

no but the fact that you claim that stability of the food chain being necessary for ecological balance is a MYTH tells us that you're either trolling or grossly uneducated :p
I honestly still don't see this stand point at all and cannot wrap my mind around it. How do you justify killing wild animals in there natural habitat because they might, usually if provoked, harm a human? To put it in more of around my area aspect I have been thinking of how many gators there are. Just because the Florida Everglades is a park does this mean we should kill all the gators in there? I would really like to hear you answer on that.

Last time I checked there are no hiking trails through the Everglades; nor would one be expected to get out of a boat and camp. Now as to all the other water areas near where people live... yep! Time for a new pair of gator boots says I.

Also, 'usually provoked' is a another myth where mountain lions and bears are concerned. Usually the predator will track you unseen and attack from behind. The times I have seen bears were either hunting or down near the trout stream. In terms of the trout stream, the bear just wasn't going to give ground and let me fish around 'em. My danger, at that moment, would have been if cubs were present or if I had food.

Mountain lion and black bear will track and attack you if they are hungry enough. The question is, how will you ever know when that is true. Again, if you have food on you. Fortunately, I had no trout in my possession at the time. But I will say this again: why should I have to concern myself with this question? If I am fishing a trout stream stocked for the purpose of fishing, why should I have to worry about bears?
no but the fact that you claim that stability of the food chain being necessary for ecological balance is a MYTH tells us that you're either trolling or grossly uneducated :p

Or did he just say that the predators at the top aren't necessary for stability? I'm sure the world wouldn't fall apart without them, but that's more testament to the integration of nature's myriad cycles than some kind of proof that certain pieces aren't necessary and should be eliminated.

I can probably take some pieces out of my car's engine compartment too, but that doesn't make it an intelligent decision.
Last time I checked there are no hiking trails through the Everglades; nor would one be expected to get out of a boat and camp. Now as to all the other water areas near where people live... yep! Time for a new pair of gator boots says I.

Also, 'usually provoked' is a another myth where mountain lions and bears are concerned. Usually the predator will track you unseen and attack from behind. The times I have seen bears were either hunting or down near the trout stream. In terms of the trout stream, the bear just wasn't going to give ground and let me fish around 'em. My danger, at that moment, would have been if cubs were present or if I had food.

Mountain lion and black bear will track and attack you if they are hungry enough. The question is, how will you ever know when that is true. Again, if you have food on you. Fortunately, I had no trout in my possession at the time. But I will say this again: why should I have to concern myself with this question? If I am fishing a trout stream stocked for the purpose of fishing, why should I have to worry about bears?
Wow. You know very little about these animals. Neither mountain lions nor bears consider humans as essential parts of their diet. :lol: Just like sharks: they don't hunt us unless they think we're something else that's usually quite tasty.
dysfunctional is completely entitled to his own opinion, no matter how someone may or may not agree with it. different viewpoints can be a good thing. simply arguing against an opposite opinion better strengthens your own.
Last time I checked there are no hiking trails through the Everglades; nor would one be expected to get out of a boat and camp. Now as to all the other water areas near where people live... yep! Time for a new pair of gator boots says I.

Also, 'usually provoked' is a another myth where mountain lions and bears are concerned. Usually the predator will track you unseen and attack from behind. The times I have seen bears were either hunting or down near the trout stream. In terms of the trout stream, the bear just wasn't going to give ground and let me fish around 'em. My danger, at that moment, would have been if cubs were present or if I had food.

Mountain lion and black bear will track and attack you if they are hungry enough. The question is, how will you ever know when that is true. Again, if you have food on you. Fortunately, I had no trout in my possession at the time. But I will say this again: why should I have to concern myself with this question? If I am fishing a trout stream stocked for the purpose of fishing, why should I have to worry about bears?

You copied and pasted that from somewhere, didn't you?
dysfunctional is completely entitled to his own opinion, no matter how someone may or may not agree with it. different viewpoints can be a good thing. simply arguing against an opposite opinion better strengthens your own.
Facts are either right or wrong. No one is arguing about opinions anymore.
no but the fact that you claim that stability of the food chain being necessary for ecological balance is a MYTH tells us that you're either trolling or grossly uneducated :p

Since the evolution of the planet proves an ever changing food chain and ecosystem, I will let your claim to today's stability as proof to who is more educated.
Since the evolution of the planet proves an ever changing food chain and ecosystem, I will let your claim to today's stability as proof to who is more educated.

dude what the hell :lol: ever-changing and stable are not mutually exclusive concepts

you can slow, gradual stable changes brought on by natural occurances or you can have rapid unstable changes brought on by h8erz of nature like you wanting to kill off everything that makes you feel like less of a man


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