Cat flips out bites owner 20 times

If you do not like the forum then leave, no need for your half assed personal attacks here.

That was a half assed personal attack?

I think it was appropriate to suggest that some folks here have their opinions because they were raised and schooled in the city. They just don't understand what is going on out in the rural areas.

I still hunt and fish there all the time.

And, as for leaving the forum, that is usually a comment reserved for people wildly losing an argument.
Trust me, you don't want a black persons liver. You really have to cook it good to get rid of the HIV and it has the faint taste of factory fresh fruit of the looms. And you get this crazy cottonmouth feeling after dinner that lasts for a few hours.

you ARE an animal -- you ate your own young.
While we are at it lets go ahead and fish the ocean out of all sharks!!!!!

Lets kill every single shark because we might want to swim one day!!!

Using that logic, everyone knows we would have to put you down. THAR BE WHALES IN CLEARWATER!
That was a half assed personal attack?

I think it was appropriate to suggest that some folks here have their opinions because they were raised and schooled in the city. They just don't understand what is going on out in the rural areas.

I still hunt and fish there all the time.

And, as for leaving the forum, that is usually a comment reserved for people wildly losing an argument.

You are quick to assume we were all raised in the city.
That was a half assed personal attack?

I think it was appropriate to suggest that some folks here have their opinions because they were raised and schooled in the city. They just don't understand what is going on out in the rural areas.

I still hunt and fish there all the time.

And, as for leaving the forum, that is usually a comment reserved for people wildly losing an argument.

Losing an argument? No its more used for people who bitch about something they are using, such as this forum. Gang mentality around here might kick your ass :fly:
Speaking of which, my family is from rural Wisconsin/Minnesota. They get bears in their yards every winter. My aunt's in the Rocky Mountains. Her yard is a favorite after-work hangout for elk. And Mikey has black people on his porch every night.
There are not any gangs on here, we just tend to share the same viewpoint from time to time. We can all agree we like lemonade rite?
It did show the gang mentality around here though.
Just because most people disagree with you doesn't make it a gang mentality. What it really means is either:

A) We're all a bunch of retards and you're right
B) You're wrong

I'm personally voting for B, but you can go with A if it makes you feel better.
Just because they put the name "park" on a forest doesn't mean it should become like a city park. If you want nature to walk in, accept that there will be animals in it.
If you go to a city park here it's likely youll be raped by hobos. Personally, I'd rather fight it out mano a mano with a bear.