Cat flips out bites owner 20 times

dude what the hell :lol: ever-changing and stable are not mutually exclusive concepts

you can slow, gradual stable changes brought on by natural occurances or you can have rapid unstable changes brought on by h8erz of nature like you wanting to kill off everything that makes you feel like less of a man

bwahahahahhahaha OMG I love the fact that nobody else is gonna get that
Last time I checked there are no hiking trails through the Everglades; nor would one be expected to get out of a boat and camp. Now as to all the other water areas near where people live... yep! Time for a new pair of gator boots says I.

Also, 'usually provoked' is a another myth where mountain lions and bears are concerned. Usually the predator will track you unseen and attack from behind. The times I have seen bears were either hunting or down near the trout stream. In terms of the trout stream, the bear just wasn't going to give ground and let me fish around 'em. My danger, at that moment, would have been if cubs were present or if I had food.

Mountain lion and black bear will track and attack you if they are hungry enough. The question is, how will you ever know when that is true. Again, if you have food on you. Fortunately, I had no trout in my possession at the time. But I will say this again: why should I have to concern myself with this question? If I am fishing a trout stream stocked for the purpose of fishing, why should I have to worry about bears?

Because you aren't entitled to crap all over nature just because you are afraid or inconvenienced. And it's also not about you. It's about those who wish to experience nature in all its glory, not just the part of the glory you think should be there. It's about cognition and respect for the planet. Believe it or not, there is something more important than people. Not animals singularly, but rather nature as a whole.

And even if you eliminate all large predators so you can sit back by the river with your feet up and not have to worry about what's creeping up behind you, some other animals will take their place. Bears, lions, wolves, all of them developed because there was a fortuitous niche in the ecology that they could exploit, and they evolved specifically to do so. Other predators will rise to take their place. So you might as well just take a gun or a spear with you while walking through the wild like people have since the beginning.

Also, if Jurassic Park ever comes to fruition I'm buying you grand opening tickets.
I hear there's new episodes :eek:

Yes 2 of them. The dunt de dunts at E! mixed up the schedule so they've been airing under the same episode title, so the DVR hasn't recognized them as new episodes :( Luckily I caught it and got to see the reairing at 11:30 last night. :cool:

The coolest part was on the first episode, they did Christmas and Bridget opened up a pink computer :fly:
Yes 2 of them. The dunt de dunts at E! mixed up the schedule so they've been airing under the same episode title, so the DVR hasn't recognized them as new episodes :( Luckily I caught it and got to see the reairing at 11:30 last night. :cool:

The coolest part was on the first episode, they did Christmas and Bridget opened up a pink computer :fly:

zomg I wanna see :boobies:
Because you aren't entitled to crap all over nature just because you are afraid or inconvenienced. And it's also not about you. It's about those who wish to experience nature in all its glory, not just the part of the glory you think should be there. It's about cognition and respect for the planet. Believe it or not, there is something more important than people. Not animals singularly, but rather nature as a whole.

And even if you eliminate all large predators so you can sit back by the river with your feet up and not have to worry about what's creeping up behind you, some other animals will take their place. Bears, lions, wolves, all of them developed because there was a fortuitous niche in the ecology that they could exploit, and they evolved specifically to do so. Other predators will rise to take their place. So you might as well just take a gun or a spear with you while walking through the wild like people have since the beginning.

Also, if Jurassic Park ever comes to fruition I'm buying you grand opening tickets.

Well, that certainly is high opera of you duder.

I just wish you, and your ilk, would stop making those decisions for me and others. You want to gather your slingshot and go face a mountain lion, fine. Save your money and head off to the wild regions. Just stop inflicting your insanity on me and all the rural town folk that are sick to death of your bravery that only they face.

Perhaps you need to stumble across a 700 lb bear in the woods and then you would feel differently (that is after you scraped away the shit that ran down your legs).
Does he hate bears too?

oh, I bet he just loves bears .. like this nature guy did .. right up until it etted him like a corndog.

warning .. if you have a weak stomach, I highly suggest you just keeping moving :lol: .. don't say I didn't warn you (3 times) .. it's also NSFW due to some male frontal nudity.

pappaminky54_lg.jpg <--ouch (nsfw due to skull and blood and ouchies)
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