Ontopic I need to vent

Well it didn't last long. The kid left yesterday to go out without having done the dishes. I went into his room to look around, and he's got bowls, cups, food wrappers, etc, everywhere.
We might have to move soon. The landlord wants to sell the house. He needs to do some work to it before he sells it, so we should have a bit of time. However, I am looking at a 2 bedroom apartment in the city.
We might have to move soon. The landlord wants to sell the house. He needs to do some work to it before he sells it, so we should have a bit of time. However, I am looking at a 2 bedroom apartment in the city.

Commute would be better! Just sucks it sounds like you are altering your life because of him by finding a place with less room.

Fawwwk that sucks.
you just bought that giant John Deeeeeeere machine thar too!!!


I know, though looking on the bright side, it's been hardly used that much so I should get a good amount of money for it.
Also, soo much in this thread is exaggerated. Yes, the kid is a lazy, little shit, but I have tried.

The problem for me has been, being consistent with constantly checking on this kid's room, just for one example. This kid alone is exhausting, then you factor in my job, and the other child and I'm about to freaking jump off a building, every single day. There is only so much responsibility that I can handle without wanting to kill everyone on the road.

One awesome thing is that my job has changed. I'm now Relocation Assets Manager. Previously, I was a manager in acquisitions. This job is SO much less stressful and I'm still getting used to being able to leave everyday, at5:30 without feeling like I could stay here all night and never finish all of my work.

My previous dept was desperately in need of structure + more freaking people. I myself had to manage about 60 files on the regular.

I feel it could not have come at a better time, with summer and what not. Just last week, I was looking at wondering how I was going to take any time off this summer. Now, I get to yell at agents and manage the companies acquired properties - yay!

Less stress with job means less Adderall and a less crazy me! Yay!
What exactly has been exaggerated?

The part about you doing nothing? Well I say that because all you do is talk to the kid. And that does absolutely nothing. You've been talking to him about his actions for over 2 years now and he hasn't changed one bit. You have ignored pleas from me to actually discipline the kid in order to make him learn. You even ignored yourself when you've said you would discipline him.
The best thing to do now is to put him out on his own. It's the only way he will learn. It's also best to do it now so he has around a year to learn while we are still living here before we move to Australia.
Move to Aussieland and don't tell him. If he can find his own way to join you back in Australia, congrats to him.