Where to move to next?

funny you say that, i live off wadsworth and hampden.

i love love love the weather here, not to mention the scenery. i am a native texan from houston who moved here because it was beautiful...

snow disappears in a day. when i take business trips to ohio i am fucking freezing my ass off. denver is mild compared to cleveland!

ha ha. I used to get mad drunk at the Old Chicagos there doing the world beer tour back in the day. That area is part of my old stomping grounds.
Denver is filled with so many useless losers that Canada was able to walk right in and take their ski train.
Dave, next week when Im at work, Ill get you some good linkage for some aerospace jobs and Ill have a look at the company I work for internal jobsite and see if theres anything that would work for you.

That would be most excellent of you :heart: Thankyou very much!
So in doing some research, all of the places I was looking at the home costs are 5 times as high as in cleveland area. But the salary for the cost of living bump is less than 2 times as high. Is that just how skewed the housing market is in the country? Is that how cheap Cleveland is? How can anyone move from a depressed market like Cleveland? I can't afford much more than I have right now with what I make and I certainly can't make six figures to compensate someplace else, nor are there jobs for that much.

Looks like I am sunk :(
So in doing some research, all of the places I was looking at the home costs are 5 times as high as in cleveland area. But the salary for the cost of living bump is less than 2 times as high. Is that just how skewed the housing market is in the country? Is that how cheap Cleveland is? How can anyone move from a depressed market like Cleveland? I can't afford much more than I have right now with what I make and I certainly can't make six figures to compensate someplace else, nor are there jobs for that much.

Looks like I am sunk :(

It could be worse, you could be in Michigan.
just rent a place...that will give you time to figure out the area that best suits you and to sock away some cash
Liberal laws in MI?


Don't let our voting record fool you, we've passed some dumb ass ballot proposals here, and if the GOP wasn't completely incompetent here in MI there would be more republicans then I'd be comfy with.

Our businessmen are idiots, our politicians are stubborn, (or idiots depending on which party you're talking about), and the residents just seem to live on the "lottery" standard. Meaning that the only way most people see us getting out of our rut is if we somehow win the manufacturing jackpot again.

I'm looking forward to 2010, because I like what I hear from John Cherry, current Lt. Gov. Hes basically been talking about fixing the business/political dynamic in the state, and propping up entrepreneurs as opposed to keeping currently failing and entrenched business afloat like the current administration has.

Sorry. I needed to rant.
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Washington - Beautiful state, liberal population, Nice are to live in.
Hawaii - Avoid living there at all costs
Arizona - Beautiful state, I personally wouldn't mind living there again.
Kansas - Avoid at all costs. Not a bad state but boring as hell
South Carolina - Great state to live in. But you're coming into Bible Belt area
Puerto Rico - Beautiful place to live, welcoming to your lifestyle, decent job market
Virginia - Great place to live but very expensive. Job market is high there.
Ohio - Well I know you hate Ohio so I won't even go there.
You can say what ever you want, but spend 1 month in Dallas and I'm sure hands down that you'd agree it has the hottest women in the US. It might not be number 1, but it's in the top 5 for sho. I'm shocked non stop at the amount of great looking tail that crosses my path daily.

BTW I'm not talking about some shit hole midcities town like bedford or fucking Allen.
I mean Dallas not DFW.
You can say what ever you want, but spend 1 month in Dallas and I'm sure hands down that you'd agree it has the hottest women in the US. It might not be number 1, but it's in the top 5 for sho. I'm shocked non stop at the amount of great looking tail that crosses my path daily.

BTW I'm not talking about some shit hole midcities town like bedford or fucking Allen.
I mean Dallas not DFW.

And this pertains to my interests how exactly?