GAY This S@#$ has to stop

violence breeds more violence, retaliating for a gang of kids beating someone up only gets then to come back to you. Whereas cops are a third party, they can finish shit. Not our fault you guys spend money on healthcare instead of prevention.
:lol: Phoenix neg repped me AGAIN in this thread because I'm not a pussy and him being a pale dork seems to think that violence is beneath him. I'm sure it'd be beneath you if you ever got mugged. May as well deny that you're actually an animal.

Well now you at least have a regular source of lunch money
No but you can try. And if they are mature enough to have sex (not necessarily to raise a child, but at least to have sex) then they are certainly mature enough to realize people are different and to leave them alone, or certainly to NOT beat them up.

It doesn't take much effort to NOT beat someone up.

I think you overestimate a kids ability. Once they're mature enough to raise a child is when you can expect these things.
I know this is eons ago, but when you were in school, middle and high school, did you ever hit someone just for being annoying, bothersome, or just different? Physical violence, not verbal.

If not, is it so hard to wish more people were like you and NOT beat others up for any reason at all?

It's even harder nowadays because parents barely give their kids attention now. There's video games and TVs that raise the child now.
I know this is eons ago, but when you were in school, middle and high school, did you ever hit someone just for being annoying, bothersome, or just different? Physical violence, not verbal.

If not, is it so hard to wish more people were like you and NOT beat others up for any reason at all?

I beat the shit out of alot of ugly kids
I saw quite a few gay kids in high school punched straight. It really does work.

I literally shuttered when you said that because that is exactly what happens and the lives of those kids are forever shattered.
I think we are missing the fact that violence shouldn't be happening between kids, even inside school doors, for the reason of simply being unchangeably different than another. It shouldn't be a question if you use self defense or not. It shouldn't even get that far to have to make that choice.
Kids are always going to do that to each other. It's human nature, especially when the beginnings of puberty set in, to start reveling in the pack mentality and attempting to show dominance through violence.
You are excusing the use of violence and blaming the victim for not fighting back because someone has performed physical harm to someone who has a trait that is immutable. This is akin to lynching and should not be tolerated at any level by any one. Certainly not excused by school teachers or in the case of the male cheerleader with the broken arm, his own mother.

true, it shouldn't be excused but you can't simply wish it away or think that teacher involvement is going to put an end to it.
Schools are to protect and educate students.

nein, my good friend

any school that has the protection of students as its mission statement is missing the point. their job is to educate. doing so in a safe environment means to protect them from outside forces, not a promise to make sure kids are always nice to each other

I don't even remember, was this kid actually beat up or was he just constantly teased?