Advice The Home Improvement/Automation Thread

the gutters are for sure at least part of the problem, we need to replace them but also the wood they're attached to is also fucked from the wets so we can't *just* replace the gutters without also dealing with that

the grading is absolutely nonsensical though - on the side where the water comes in/that is the major known issue, there... isn't any lmao. but on other spots, there is grading but it's not right, like there's a stretch along one side of the garage where half of it appropriately steers it toward the downspout, but the other half sends it the other way, which meets at one of the corners right next to the garage (it's a 3 car tandem, this corner is the inside corner of the L shape)

we're still paying off the windows we had to replace which has delayed taking the plunge on the gutters & ... soffits? I think is the right term? project, but now that this is the second year we're dealing with this basement bog situation, we're like "ah fuck we just have to do it I guess"

it doesn't happen every rain, but like once or twice a year we get hammered by a mega dump like we just did. we fared way better than that town in Iowa that got levelled, though we did spend a couple of hours in the unfinished basement, there were some smol tornadoes in the immediate area but we only had to deal with water.

we also had water pouring into the unfinished basement that night from the window well bc it dumped so hard/fast there was a couple of inches of water in it, we've since caulked it up so hopefully it won't come in as hard next time. in the unfinished basement, the ground at least IS appropriately graded so it guided the water toward the drain, but it wasn't draining bc the ground was too saturated so it was just pooling, for a while I was using a mop and spinny bucket trying to soak it up and then when it was safe enough to venture out of the basememt I went up and got one of the wet vacs.

some day, I'm gonna move somewhere warm and dry 😭

Go buy a decent $50 tarp and put it down on that side of the house.
So I need some surrounds for my home theatre. I finally have a pier/beam house so I can run wires underneath, but don't relish the idea of poking holes in the nice floor. I can't imagine I have any other option, other than crappy wireless. Any ideas?
So I need some surrounds for my home theatre. I finally have a pier/beam house so I can run wires underneath, but don't relish the idea of poking holes in the nice floor. I can't imagine I have any other option, other than crappy wireless. Any ideas?
First place I had in Tampa we had ceiling mounted speakers for surround sound. May be a solution?
So I need some surrounds for my home theatre. I finally have a pier/beam house so I can run wires underneath, but don't relish the idea of poking holes in the nice floor. I can't imagine I have any other option, other than crappy wireless. Any ideas?
Don't poke through the floor. Poke into the wall cavity and put nice plates on the wall
So my new 3d printed Broan fan impeller works great! It's now super quiet. However, it looks like the motor is rated for .9a and I'm pulling between .6 - .85. Is that okay?
should only be 1 inch + 1.5 inches unless you've got a double bottom plate or something
Are you suggesting that I drill from the bottom? I'll be honest, I've never been under a house. Is it obvious where the walls are?

I was assuming I'd cut the plate hole in the drywall and use one of those long flexible drill bits to drill down through the floor.
  • Gravy
Reactions: Valve1138
Are you suggesting that I drill from the bottom? I'll be honest, I've never been under a house. Is it obvious where the walls are?

I was assuming I'd cut the plate hole in the drywall and use one of those long flexible drill bits to drill down through the floor.

This works just fine.

And if you cut one gang sized holes, you can simply install a low voltage "box" and blank wall plate to fill the hole.

And if you running wire up to the surrounds, cut two of these, on where an outlet would regularly go, then one above it for you surround speaker. It'll make drilling the hole and running the wire easier.
Are you suggesting that I drill from the bottom? I'll be honest, I've never been under a house. Is it obvious where the walls are?

I was assuming I'd cut the plate hole in the drywall and use one of those long flexible drill bits to drill down through the floor.
It wont be super obvious where the walls are. You dont even need a flexi bit though, just angle it.


ignore my weeds
I am personally on board with extended downspouts


the top pic should be the one where you can see the whole shebang in front, there's only one downspout on the far right that goes off into the yard and that side of the basement stays dry.

the offending basement bog area is the circled area on the right, and there's no nearby downspout. the circle covers about how far the wets goes wide in the basement, it's dry from there on over to where the water is supposed to be coming out and where you'd expect the water to be pooling.

Jason did go through and clean out the gutters in between rains, there was some junk (we're planning to do some kinda leaf guard when we DO replace stuff) but not enough to warrant the fuckery.

also Valve I'm not ignoring your tarp suggestion, it won't lemme tag you and I'm afraid of trying to double back now to add a quote and messing up my copied stuff. I don't think we have a free one right now but we can snag one, they're always useful so it's not like even if it doesn't work we're gonna be like "ah fuck, what are we gonna do with an extra tarp" :lol: part of it though is not knowing when it's gonna be enough rain to need to put it out (and like, the big dump we just had also came with hella wind, the whole town's still lousy with downed trees) 😭
  • Gravy
Reactions: Valve1138
(the second two pics are just to show that there is a decent gap behind the bush and two levels of overhang to where the actual base of the house is)
Ive never had a house with a basement , but to me those lower window sills are way too close to level with the ground outside them.
And just from the pic it looks like water could pile up in there.
That right here would worry me.