Stupid Moral Mental Dilemmas

Mrs. Valve

Dizzy Broad
Oct 6, 2004
Okay, so I work in the same hallway as a really annoying bitch. She has a son, who she neglects in order to make her life happier with her boyfriend. Today she plops down a Boy Scout Popcorn catalog order sheet in front of me (mind you i'm gloved up and have biohazardous stuff on them) and wants me to make a purchase, like, right then and there. I ask what the money goes towards, and she said "oh, it'll be so i don't have to pay for a new uniform for my kid". I have issues with this on many levels:
1. she's a terrible mother
2. if i were doing this to just support the BSA, i'd almost not think about buying anything, but since she is making it out to be just a present to her kid, i have reservations about transforming him into a charitable cause
3. wtf, i'm working
4. isn't he supposed to be selling the popcorn, not his mom?

So what do I do? I might want popcorn, and my coworker bought something from her. I almost feel pressured into getting something, and I know she'll be a total annoying bitch-twatwaffle if I say no. Ugh, I hate situations like this.
I'll agree with all of those issues ecxept that she brought the order forms to work. My parents own a jewelry store and they used to take stuff like that to work for me and their cutomers would buy stuff if they wanted. It's just safer than going door to door.
Tell her she sucks as a mother, and that if she doesn't get better you'll put anthrax in her sandwiches.
Bubbles said:
I'll agree with all of those issues ecxept that she brought the order forms to work. My parents own a jewelry store and they used to take stuff like that to work for me and their cutomers would buy stuff if they wanted. It's just safer than going door to door.
it's one thing to leave an order form on a table for people to discreetly order something, but to be bullied into buying something to support her son, when HE has been told by his scoutmaster or whatever to sell it himself (as an honorable thing to do), is pretty much where i draw the line
My wife had a bad start today so I had to grab my son from her and drive him to school. He looked at me all serious and said "Daddy, I'm tired of being a kid. I'm ready to be a man." I said "That's funny. I'm tired of being a man and really wouldn't mind being a kid again."

Doesn't really have anything to do with the topic. Just made me think.
SpangeMonkee said:
say that you are allergic to popcorn and that you would prolly puke on her if it came near you. then say, "do you have any girl scout cookies?"
i'd love to puke on her anyways just to annoy her. she's THAT bad here. omg i could write epics about her
Stupid kids and their stupid fundraisers.

Parents suck when they bring them into work and shove them in your face like its mandatory to buy something. :mad:
b_sinning said:
My wife had a bad start today so I had to grab my son from her and drive him to school. He looked at me all serious and said "Daddy, I'm tired of being a kid. I'm ready to be a man." I said "That's funny. I'm tired of being a man and really wouldn't mind being a kid again."

Doesn't really have anything to do with the topic. Just made me think.

:lol: I used to say that to my parents too... always thought it was easier to be older. What lies.
April23 said:
Stupid kids and their stupid fundraisers.

Parents suck when they bring them into work and shove them in your face like its mandatory to buy something. :mad:
she sucks when she brings him to work, period. he thinks it's like a playground in here, and he's almost caused a couple of serious accidents (like dropping a bottle of 22M HCl, or while we're working on BSL 2+ safety stuff and we're in full protection. he's crashed head on into the head of surgery of the hospital and made him drop his lunch, and all the kid could do was laugh his ass off while his mom ran away so she wouldn't have to pay for another meal). it's basically because she doesn't want to pay someone to watch him in the summer when her parents can't watch him.
F33nX said:
she sucks when she brings him to work, period. he thinks it's like a playground in here, and he's almost caused a couple of serious accidents (like dropping a bottle of 22M HCl, or while we're working on BSL 2+ safety stuff and we're in full protection. he's crashed head on into the head of surgery of the hospital and made him drop his lunch, and all the kid could do was laugh his ass off while his mom ran away so she wouldn't have to pay for another meal). it's basically because she doesn't want to pay someone to watch him in the summer when her parents can't watch him.
You just jinx me... I just bought cookie dough off the boss man for his kid.
Tell her you'd be happy to buy her kids popcorn as soon as she buys some from yours.

Edit: If I wanna buy something then I'll buy it. If not I tell them I'll look at it later and then quickly forget about it.
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