WTF So I just dick'd my butt

Morning kids!!
The woman beat er{geezer alert} - I'm not down with guys beating on woman, or vis-a-versa. Guys are generally bigger and have more upper body strength. If you are that pissed with the bitch, just leave. Take a drive, go visit a buddy, anything. The kids - I'm sure they were screaming and scared shtless.
I understood Asa wasn't really going road rage, although I was surprised he bothered to dish about it here. traffic is traffic - it sucks unless there is none.

Good morning , Eddie.
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I'm claiming hyperbole because I said it was hyperbole. I've yet to see anything from nukes saying that he wasnt serious about killing someone for having consensual sex with his wife. If you want to claim hyperbole for him, great. I wouldn't be visiting his wife next time I was in the Carolinas on your word, though.
I'm claiming hyperbole because I said it was hyperbole. I've yet to see anything from nukes saying that he wasnt serious about killing someone for having consensual sex with his wife. If you want to claim hyperbole for him, great. I wouldn't be visiting his wife next time I was in the Carolinas on your word, though.

He said if it was rape. But that has nothing to do with Puff's situation. So one post or stupid argument that got out of hand defines a person?
Ok then. Valve isn't allowed matches or a lighter at the next UF bbq!
I'm claiming hyperbole because I said it was hyperbole. I've yet to see anything from nukes saying that he wasnt serious about killing someone for having consensual sex with his wife. If you want to claim hyperbole for him, great. I wouldn't be visiting his wife next time I was in the Carolinas on your word, though.
No one other than me has consent. And go fuck yourself. Even one of the OG told you how full of shit you were yesterday.
So let's set the record straight. @wetwille save the post.
Any of you mokes can find my wife and ask her to sex, no harm will come your way from me.
I fully expect her "no" to come in the form of a sharpened bolo machete she keeps on hand for such occasions.
Cause she's her own person, and wouldn't cotton to someone attempting to coerce her into adultery what with her being mega Catholic and all.
I'd suggest you duck, and wear Kevlar ™ neck protection.
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