let us speak of Oblivion

Who said I was being a second class citizen? I was just replying to ape who said everyone screws. That's just not true. Hydro was a virgin until he met hifi (as far as I know, they are still both virgins), and I have never been with a woman either.

this post makes my head hurt. Ive been boneing women for 11 years.
Who said I was being a second class citizen? I was just replying to ape who said everyone screws. That's just not true. Hydro was a virgin until he met hifi (as far as I know, they are still both virgins), and I have never been with a woman either.

umm, yeah
fuck this evil game. i played it for 4 days at my brother's and i was in the 40 hour range!

that game was like crack for me. and im not even a huge gamer.
I had to go back to school full time to overcome my Oblivion addiction. 20 hours a day :eek:
I couldn't get past the fact that going on a walkabout through the outback of Oblivion was mostly pointless. Occasionally I'd be attacked by a wolf and that was about it.
I DLd it.
I only played a little bit of it last night, but it looks really good. I only encountered one enemy so far and it was kinda tough. Some "creature from the black lagoon" looking thing.
This expansion is supposed to be 30+ hours if you just chase the main quest.