Interesting story on some false information about Columbine

With a legal weapon you can. An unknown person entering the house means your life may be threatened so legally in Florida you can kill them.

In Texas it's anywhere on your property. Step off my lawn, bitch.

If you have a Concealed weapons permit you can protect yourself almost anywhere.

Ridiculous laws if you ask me.. Still would like to see it.
a big thing on 20/20 last week (?) about the ease with which you could buy guns at a gun show, the "gun show loophole". they gave a dude like 5K and he bought assault weapons, glocks, all sorts o' shyt. got em EEEEEEASY.. No ID, no nothin. "got cash?" yep. "here ya go."

Noooooooooooo, there is NO LOOPHOLE.


Those are PRIVATE sales not done through a dealer. You can do them through classified ads, people you meet in person, whatever. Most states do not require individuals to perform the same checks that an FFL license holder (dealer) would be legally bound to perform (ATF form 4473).

It just happens that it's easier to sell your collection when you've already got people walking around interested in firearms.

In the state of MA checks are required however, as you are required by law to fill out a transfer form (FA-10) which must include the license information from both the seller and the purchaser. You can do this the same way however, I believe you are limited to selling five per year and the forms must be mailed to the state.

edit - no background check is done during a private transfer in MA, the fact that the person holds a current license is good enough for the state. Ownership of ANY kind of firearm in MA requires a license, except for air-powered and black powder.
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a big thing on 20/20 last week (?) about the ease with which you could buy guns at a gun show, the "gun show loophole". they gave a dude like 5K and he bought assault weapons, glocks, all sorts o' shyt. got em EEEEEEASY.. No ID, no nothin. "got cash?" yep. "here ya go."

In Tampa you can purchase items at a gun show but have to wait 3 days to pick them up. The 20/20 story is BS. That's like having someone who's healthly go into a doctors office complaining about something and having them get drugs and then saying the doctors office is peddling drugs. You can find something wrong with anything if you try hard enough.
That's a pretty dumb argument. Guns are manufactured and sold purely to kill. Does that seem like a nice product when you look at it that way? That's how I look at it. If they invented a toy that was purely for torture, do you think that would be a good product for people to buy?

Guns are manufactured and sold purely to initiate a reaction causing a projectile to be expelled from the barrel. That's it.
What there exactly states that you can shoot someone for simply being on your property without consent?

In my opinion, that states that one has the right to shoot without warning when the intruder instigates an attack.

Florida statue 776.013

(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:

(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person's will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and

(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.