Baby Good Bye Liver

I'd like to know the real story about him and the girl (apologize, didn't know/remember her name) in Florida that he lived with for a couple of days.

But to Zac and April, I'm sorry you guys got fooled as well. But he does have severe problems and it's a surprise (to me) that's he still alive today. He'll never be a "normal" person

That was Dharma. At the time, he obviously spun it so that she seemed like a shithead. In reality, she was the only person that immediately sniffed it out.

:clap: @ Dharma
ive had a hamster dick in my day.... he wasnt an alcoholic sociopath... the opposite... he had tons of money and drove a ferarri and bought me stuff. so i just squinted my eyes and imagined the hamster was actually a horse.