Baby Good Bye Liver

Deeply troubled? Thanks captain obvious.

If he liked us so much, why did he pull the shit he did? You don't do that to friends.

I'm saying that his addictions and issues may prevent him from being able to treat friends the way normal people do. And you, being relatively normal - albeit flat-chested - should have a hard time understanding why he behaves that way.
I'm saying that his addictions and issues may prevent him from being able to treat friends the way normal people do. And you, being relatively normal - albeit flat-chested - should have a hard time understanding why he behaves that way.

I hate you sometimes.
It sounds like you can go visit his friends in Florida now and have a grand time, Mel.

I'd like to know the real story about him and the girl (apologize, didn't know/remember her name) in Florida that he lived with for a couple of days.

But to Zac and April, I'm sorry you guys got fooled as well. But he does have severe problems and it's a surprise (to me) that's he still alive today. He'll never be a "normal" person