Baby Good Bye Liver

That was Dharma. At the time, he obviously spun it so that she seemed like a shithead. In reality, she was the only person that immediately sniffed it out.

:clap: @ Dharma

I want to go on record (and Dharma will vouch on this) that I called it even before he moved in with her.
I started to piece stuff together and told her outright she was stupid to let hm move in. And said the same thing when he moved onto Fly and Ape and then Gay Scott.

What exactly did you piece together?

Also, how long was your I told you so speech?
Just most of his stories never made sense or panned out. Meeting him many times at meets and Shawn's house I knew something wasn't right.

And I knew this too, but he never hurt us or anyone we knew at the time. Figured he was suffering from extreme antisocial behavior so faulting him didn't seem like a good idea at the time.
And I knew this too, but he never hurt us or anyone we knew at the time. Figured he was suffering from extreme antisocial behavior so faulting him didn't seem like a good idea at the time.

You should have known he wasn't right because he got along with Amy so well. And don't make me start on Erika.