free starbucks on thursday!!

Ugh, Starbucks is the poorest excuse for coffee second only to Folgers. It's overroasted, bitter, tastes burned and people think they like it so much because advertisers tell them they do.

I can't disagree with you there. Tim Horton's fo lyfe.
I don't drink coffee either.

If I could (yes the religion is against it) I still don't think I would. I've had coffee flavored stuff before and I don't like it. I don't even think it smells good.
I don't drink coffee either.

If I could (yes the religion is against it) I still don't think I would. I've had coffee flavored stuff before and I don't like it. I don't even think it smells good.

"Coffee flavored" is to what coffee tastes like as "grape flavored" is to what grapes taste like.
"Coffee flavored" is to what coffee tastes like as "grape flavored" is to what grapes taste like.

My sister had chocolate covered coffee beans at her house and I popped one in my mouth thinking it was fruit or a nut. It wasn't good.
My sister had chocolate covered coffee beans at her house and I popped one in my mouth thinking it was fruit or a nut. It wasn't good.

bwahaha, yeah that was probably not a good start though. Those do not taste like coffee either, they are just espresso beans and chocolate. I wish I could have seen the look on your face when you started chewing it up.
Ugh, Starbucks is the poorest excuse for coffee second only to Folgers. It's overroasted, bitter, tastes burned and people think they like it so much because advertisers tell them they do.

You're missing the point. It's hot and bitter. Those are the qualities we're going for.
Bitter is the most complex portion of your palette to develop.
Didnt know that... Trying to think of other bitter stuff and all that comes to mind is tonic water, which is more watery bitter whereas coffee is like... fire bitter.
WTF?! I did not know there was free coffee this morning. I am greatly upset that I did not read this thread till now. Greatly upset.
Honestly though, isnt a regular cup of the coffee drip like a buck? So you go in there and they give you a free dollar cup a coffee and you buy a 2 dollar muffin?