Ontopic FIFA World Cup 2010

As rowdy as hockey fans are I don't think I've heard of a riot at a hockey game like you hear about at soccer games.

Mike Milbury, formerly of the Boston Bruins, once went into the stands and beat up a fan with his own shoe. True Story.
Ive seen the same thing in the NBA , too
Plus, didnt LA just riot after winning the NBA championship ?

True, maybe I just find it a lot funnier because he was wearing skates and full gear when he hopped over the glass to get at the guy.
If you dive in soccer, if they catch you, you can be yellow carded or even red carded (ejection)

Then these world class refs are idiots. Period. But that still doesnt exonerate these sissy players for crying at every touch and goal. This is no man's sport.
inexcusable. this is a complete joke

The first one happens in all sports. The person who gets caught shoving gets the penalty. I saw the video. The one you're showing was the one I said wasn't excusable. I agree that last one wasn't warranted a call.

14 seconds in is what he got his first card for. This one was warranted. The red card was for two yellow cards in one game
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Jesus these people are fucking pussies. ODS, wasn't it you recently complaining about referees in some American sport? Can you explain this retarded acting these people do and how these world class refs are falling for it?

Apparently in hockey, you can penalty time for taking a dive. FIFA needs to look into rules like that, because these players and refs are making a mockery of the sport.

Was I?

And these refs are shit. Every world cup has shit refs.
The first one happens in all sports. The person who gets caught shoving gets the penalty. I saw the video. The one you're showing was the one I said wasn't excusable. I agree that last one wasn't warranted a call.

14 seconds in is what he got his first card for. This one was warranted. The red card was for two yellow cards in one game

Why is that video backward?
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