FYI Ashley Madison Leak...


so u just add the email and it searches??

i just dl'ed the data and i'm grepping it for names, emails, locations, etc. to narrow it down. started with work email domain and found a few.

ill work on going through all the other info later. this is just the easiest way to go about it right now.
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I have a friend whose son is in prison for life because he molested children. He was not yet a legal adult when convicted but was tried as such. The case was huge news at the time. If you ask her, her son deserves to be in prison but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him. She just doesn't want him to hurt anyone else. I think I'd feel the same way if it were my 14 year old. I would want to make sure he got help if that is possible, but I would not allow him to be in a situation where someone else could get hurt.
who did she marry?

she is sooooooooooooooo insanely beautiful
The guy in the picture next to her. I've heard that he has some really wacky religious views (should I be surprised?)

I don't care enough to know more though lol I just look at her pretty face on Instagram

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I have a friend whose son is in prison for life because he molested children. He was not yet a legal adult when convicted but was tried as such. The case was huge news at the time. If you ask her, her son deserves to be in prison but that doesn't mean she doesn't love him. She just doesn't want him to hurt anyone else. I think I'd feel the same way if it were my 14 year old. I would want to make sure he got help if that is possible, but I would not allow him to be in a situation where someone else could get hurt.
About a month ago a 19 year old made the news. He met a girl on a dating site (the site said you had to be 17 plus) He's now a sex offender because the girl was actually 14 and she lied about her age.
About a month ago a 19 year old made the news. He met a girl on a dating site (the site said you had to be 17 plus) He's now a sex offender because the girl was actually 14 and she lied about her age.

that's all because of a shitty grandstanding judge. her and her parents even requested to not do that to the kid, but he had something against people who aren't married hooking up. :rolleyes:

also i dont think i can process this data, computers been rebuilding the mysql database all night and it's not even close to done.
that's all because of a shitty grandstanding judge. her and her parents even requested to not do that to the kid, but he had something against people who aren't married hooking up. :rolleyes:

also i dont think i can process this data, computers been rebuilding the mysql database all night and it's not even close to done.
Glad it wasn't the family of the daughter. they can't fault the guy for her deception.
i just dl'ed the data and i'm grepping it for names, emails, locations, etc. to narrow it down. started with work email domain and found a few.

ill work on going through all the other info later. this is just the easiest way to go about it right now.
i saw the site has some email generator thing.
i put in a friends email addy that i have ALWAYS assumed is shady and BAM it came up

when i get back home I'm going to a dinner party that he's gone at and I'm gonna be all like OMG DID U HEARD ABOUT THAT ASHLEY MADISON LEAK... EEWWW GORSSS

EDIT: He has a government job and used his work email addy

fucking goof
i agree that there crazy intense religious believes are hurting their kids ... josh is a prime example.
but what i was saying is that its not fair to assume they dont care.
i think they care and handled it to the best of their limited ability
which clearly is failing. but they MUST care of they tried to get him some level of help
Yeah I'm being bitchy about it with them. I think they care, but honestly lately I think that money has become their bigger desire. The way they reacted to everything after the molestation came out, they were still trying to milk a show out of it. They were dumb enough to want to do the show knowing the 'skeletons in Josh's closet' and they reacted by making the girls feel at fault. To me all that is kind of messed up so yeah I judge them sadly. Again I used to respect them far more than I do now.

This video made me stop watching the show all together

She's my favorite. Even though she married a cray cray. :(

/ useless opinion
She was my favorite too. Though I also like Jinger. I felt bad for Jana though because she aspired to be a professional harpist (apparently she's amazing) and the family squished that because she'd have to move away. I hoped Jessa would marry more normal but oh well.
Yeah I'm being bitchy about it with them. I think they care, but honestly lately I think that money has become their bigger desire. The way they reacted to everything after the molestation came out, they were still trying to milk a show out of it. They were dumb enough to want to do the show knowing the 'skeletons in Josh's closet' and they reacted by making the girls feel at fault. To me all that is kind of messed up so yeah I judge them sadly. Again I used to respect them far more than I do now.

This video made me stop watching the show all together

She was my favorite too. Though I also like Jinger. I felt bad for Jana though because she aspired to be a professional harpist (apparently she's amazing) and the family squished that because she'd have to move away. I hoped Jessa would marry more normal but oh well.

Jill moved to central america to do missionary work,
thats great.
thats what they need to do.
instead of having more and more babies...

there are 19 kids. 1 or 2 are bound to fuck up and shame the family
so far its josh....
I'm sure one will be a homosexual and another a drug addict.

stay tuned