FYI Ashley Madison Leak...

ok so im gonna throw this out there...

josh molested his sisters
the family DID go to the police
the family DID get him counselling etc
the victims (his sisters) have forgiven him
the family has healed (in their own way)
they have all moved on...

so my question is why is everyone all in an uproar....

he was 14 at the time... what were they supposed to do? throw him in jail?
if he got the therapy he needed and his OWN victims have forgiven and moved forward whats the problem?
The family went to the police only after the statute of limitations was up. They also sought out a police officer who was a family friend who later was convicted of child molestation. The guy is a creep. The 'counselling' they got Josh was to send him away for a summer with a relative to help out on that persons house renovation projects. The 'counselling' the children got was to speak to church officials who advised them to forgive their brother/friend and accept that he has gotten help.

I think those facts speak for themselves, but I'm guessing that nobody in this situation got the help they needed. Yes 14 is still a child but how many people here considered diddling a 6 year old when they were 14? How many would say it was okay? What if it were your child? What would you do to protect her?
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The family went to the police only after the statute of limitations was up. They also sought out a police officer who was a family friend who later was convicted of child molestation. The guy is a creep. The 'counselling' they got Josh was to send him away for a summer with a relative to help out on that persons house renovation projects. The 'counselling' the children got was to speak to church officials who advised them to forgive their brother/friend and accept that he has gotten help.

I think those facts speak for themselves, but I'm guessing that nobody in this situation got the help they needed. Yes 14 is still a child but how many people here considered diddling a 6 year old when they were 14? How many would say it was okay? What if it were your child? What would you do to protect her?

What would you do if it was YOUR 14 year old kid....

He molested the 2 oldest girls who apparently were not 6 ...

Anyways I think the parents were in a tough situation.

Was there penetration ?

Did he fondle them ?

Whooooooooo knows

I'm not saying this was ok by any means but the parents had a super tough situation and I wonder who everyone judging would handle the situation had it been them
What would you do if it was YOUR 14 year old kid....

He molested the 2 oldest girls who apparently were not 6 ...

Anyways I think the parents were in a tough situation.

Was there penetration ?

Did he fondle them ?

Whooooooooo knows

I'm not saying this was ok by any means but the parents had a super tough situation and I wonder who everyone judging would handle the situation had it been them

Did he force himself? Were they willing participants?
@gee ever get the dump figured out?
Nah, haven't spent any serious time on it.

Right now I'm writing code for a burning man project, circuit board is leaving for the playa on tuesday morning in someone's pocket, that's taking priority over pretty much everything else.
This is all hearsay tho... I mean you and I will never know what really happened behind closed doors.

He was 14 years old.
Would you throw your own son in jail at 14 for this ?

He mos def needed therapy and stuff for sure but I feel that at 14 ESPECIALLY living under those circumstances with the crazy religious believes, I don't peg him to be this crazy pedophile lusting after babies.
Apparently he was more curious in an atmosphere where sex and touching was painted to be such a horrible thing.

There are so many facts and rumors and stories with this and we will never know the whole truth. Just what they want us to know.

It's not all hearsay. It was documented when they took him to he police and the church elders confirmed his 'treatment'

I cannot say I would throw my 15 yo son in jail but I sure as hell would get him help. I do not see him as a pedo or anything but he obviously has real issues. It was allowed to grow as an adult to what he is today because they ignored it more or less. I blame his parents for a lot of his issues. They seem to only care that he was caught each time. Now they'll be broke because they 'prayed the evil away' instead of being realistic in his treatments. They are twisted people IMO and I used to hold more respect for them years ago. Now I do not at all and for a bunch of reasons.
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It's not all hearsay. It was documented when they took him to he police and the church elders confirmed his 'treatment'

I cannot say I would throw my 15 yo son in jail but I sure as hell would get him help. I do not see him as a pedo or anything but he obviously has real issues. It was allowed to grow as an adult to what he is today because they ignored it more or less. I blame his parents for a lot of his issues. They seem to only care that he was caught each time. Now they'll be broke because they 'prayed the evil away' instead of being realistic in his treatments. They are twisted people IMO and I used to hold more respect for them years ago. Now I do not at all and for a bunch of reasons.

they are TV personalities and they prob did some other voodoo shit that hasn't come to public light. they release what they want us to hear (as dumb as their shit sounds to us)
maybe they sprinkled holy water on him. maybe they did an exorcism. maybe they did nothing. my point is that we will never know.

The conclusions you're coming to by assuming they didn't care aren't fair. you don't know what they felt. maybe they cried like any parent would at the horrific shit they discovered.
saying they ALLOWED it to grow? I'm sure they ASSUMED Josh was cured.
i suppose to THEM praying to god is realistic so they did what they thought was right (even tho to me and you it isn't)

i don't think the Duggars are evil and twisted. maybe a little brainwashed but i think they mean well. there are certainly worse people out there.
yeah 16478645876 kids is dumb
ya surrendering your every thought and decision making to the lord is WTF
they have become more of a joke than anything else which is sad cuz they have 87356289475638 other kids.
There's no way they'd willfully continue to put the other girls at risk, and jeopardize the entire family.

Things that didn't happen:
Since Josh is by far our only meaningful and favorite kid, let's call a bunch of other people about this touching, get them involved, do a bunch of stuff that they'll think is meaningless, and see what happens. Who cares about the rest of them if we lose Josh??!!

they are TV personalities and they prob did some other voodoo shit that hasn't come to public light. they release what they want us to hear (as dumb as their shit sounds to us)
maybe they sprinkled holy water on him. maybe they did an exorcism. maybe they did nothing. my point is that we will never know.

The conclusions you're coming to by assuming they didn't care aren't fair. you don't know what they felt. maybe they cried like any parent would at the horrific shit they discovered.
saying they ALLOWED it to grow? I'm sure they ASSUMED Josh was cured.
i suppose to THEM praying to god is realistic so they did what they thought was right (even tho to me and you it isn't)

i don't think the Duggars are evil and twisted. maybe a little brainwashed but i think they mean well. there are certainly worse people out there.
yeah 16478645876 kids is dumb
ya surrendering your every thought and decision making to the lord is WTF
they have become more of a joke than anything else which is sad cuz they have 87356289475638 other kids.

You know I am probably the last one here to pick on someone who is religious, right? I am telling you now that for many years I defended them. I watched them regularly and respected their differences. Now I have seen enough of them to change my mind. Happened long before this shit took place too. I have my opinion of them and anyone who uses children the way they do is despicable.

I do my best to follow facts and read the whole damn police report. I have no love for these money grubbing people who boarder on mentally f'd in the head. They may love their children, but they really are hyporitical people who are really messing up the lives of their children with their twisted ideas.
You know I am probably the last one here to pick on someone who is religious, right? I am telling you now that for many years I defended them. I watched them regularly and respected their differences. Now I have seen enough of them to change my mind. Happened long before this shit took place too. I have my opinion of them and anyone who uses children the way they do is despicable.

I do my best to follow facts and read the whole damn police report. I have no love for these money grubbing people who boarder on mentally f'd in the head. They may love their children, but they really are hyporitical people who are really messing up the lives of their children with their twisted ideas.
i agree that there crazy intense religious believes are hurting their kids ... josh is a prime example.
but what i was saying is that its not fair to assume they dont care.
i think they care and handled it to the best of their limited ability
which clearly is failing. but they MUST care of they tried to get him some level of help