FYI Ashley Madison Leak...

Jill moved to central america to do missionary work,
thats great.
thats what they need to do.
instead of having more and more babies...

there are 19 kids. 1 or 2 are bound to fuck up and shame the family
so far its josh....
I'm sure one will be a homosexual and another a drug addict.

stay tuned

One'll do porn
I am anxious to see one of them get an abortion. The horror on their parents faces. I hope someone captures it on film
rumor has it that this one has caught a case of the gays.


Josiah Duggar entered a courtship with Marjorie Jackson.
ok so im gonna throw this out there...

josh molested his sisters
the family DID go to the police
the family DID get him counselling etc
the victims (his sisters) have forgiven him
the family has healed (in their own way)
they have all moved on...

so my question is why is everyone all in an uproar....

he was 14 at the time... what were they supposed to do? throw him in jail?
if he got the therapy he needed and his OWN victims have forgiven and moved forward whats the problem?
I think it's because he has been very hypocritical.
Jill moved to central america to do missionary work,
thats great.
thats what they need to do.
instead of having more and more babies...

there are 19 kids. 1 or 2 are bound to fuck up and shame the family
so far its josh....
I'm sure one will be a homosexual and another a drug addict.

stay tuned
You know she can easily pop out babies while on a mission. I have someone I know from HS who went on a mission trip to Madagascar as a doctor and one of their children was born in S. Africa (safer to birth there than Madagascar I guess).

I'm sure another one will do something else to sully the name. Out of 19 living kids something else ought to pop up.
You know she can easily pop out babies while on a mission. I have someone I know from HS who went on a mission trip to Madagascar as a doctor and one of their children was born in S. Africa (safer to birth there than Madagascar I guess).

I'm sure another one will do something else to sully the name. Out of 19 living kids something else ought to pop up.
well ya they can have babies annywhere
but if they have half a brain they would have their litter in the states.
i doubt she wants to have 19 kids in Guatemala while eating bark and grasshopper.
they took 1 kid with them already
yup because he's gay apparently
I wonder if he would ever admit it though. Why enter a courtship at all and just stay single like older brother John David.

well ya they can have babies annywhere
but if they have half a brain they would have their litter in the states.
i doubt she wants to have 19 kids in Guatemala while eating bark and grasshopper.
they took 1 kid with them already

Just sayin' my former HS friend had a medical degree and they still went off intentionally while she was pregnant to various places in Africa. If a smart guy like that would do it, I doubt they'd hold off having babies in Guatemala or wherever they are.
I wonder if he would ever admit it though. Why enter a courtship at all and just stay single like older brother John David.

Just sayin' my former HS friend had a medical degree and they still went off intentionally while she was pregnant to various places in Africa. If a smart guy like that would do it, I doubt they'd hold off having babies in Guatemala or wherever they are.
omg imagine the pressure Jim Duggar puts on this poor closeted kid
he prob jumped into the courtship to please his parents

poor kid
omg imagine the pressure Jim Duggar puts on this poor closeted kid
he prob jumped into the courtship to please his parents

poor kid

I admit I haven't watched them in the last few years really so not sure who I thought would be the closeted one. I always got the creepy vibe from Josh. Jinger I thought was going to go flying out of there. Jana is one people think is really repressed and possibly gay which is why she hasn't been married off even in her mid 20s. I think since they might lose funding from the biggest cash cow, the kids will have a harder life. They'll always have some fundie Christians paying them to talk, but they definitely will not have the same life as before.

I admit I haven't watched them in the last few years really so not sure who I thought would be the closeted one. I always got the creepy vibe from Josh. Jinger I thought was going to go flying out of there. Jana is one people think is really repressed and possibly gay which is why she hasn't been married off even in her mid 20s. I think since they might lose funding from the biggest cash cow, the kids will have a harder life. They'll always have some fundie Christians paying them to talk, but they definitely will not have the same life as before.
Yup 10000%

No thanks to Josh

Now this ashley madison shit

Now we wait for women to come forward with allegations that he peed on them or he loved large zucchinis up his arse
Yup 10000%

No thanks to Josh

Now this ashley madison shit

Now we wait for women to come forward with allegations that he peed on them or he loved large zucchinis up his arse

I just read this morning that he might face a lawsuit for using some guy's picture on an OKCupid profile. Apparently used to also have a fake facebook account where he was friends with married women and strippers