Ontopic Yet another reason the iPad is not on my list

People talk on planes all the time. I don't think I've ever been on a flight we everyone seated near me was dead quite..

Ayuh, and the last few flights I've been on have had so much background noise from the plane itself that people's conversations were almost inaudible from a seat away.

Heck, people around us couldn't hear CL on the few occasions she cried.
I was wondering about that. I've never gotten a signal on a plane after a few 1000ft but I keep hearing you can make calls now

some have it built in of recent. the only thing i really want on a plane is an internet connection... or even more modest, a power adapter for my laptop that is actually switched on during the flight.
I was just discussing the ipad with one of my execs who got one last week. he said the lack of flash is devastating.
i would never have one - it's absolutely no fucking use to me. i have an ipod touch that sporadically deletes my music when i sync it with the PC. it's also just generally shite and i barely use it.

my next purchase will be an alienware 11.6" - though this is meeting resistence, as it's plundering my holiday fund
Who cares, flash is annoying.

Annoying or not, it is still the pervasive standard throughout the internet. And yes it will go away, with much pushing by Apple to be replaced by HTML 5, but that's not the point. I want a device that works today, not in 3 to 5 years when most sites will have gotten away from flash.