Ontopic CBD/THC Thread

Really enjoying the Ambit , can't decide weather crumbling or nugs work best because convection/airflow .
Going to get another device with 18650 recharge/replaceable batteries .
Thinking about the davinci IQ too .

There was one that dammit, I can’t remember the name of, that was “voted” hands down, the best dry herb vape. If I come across it, I’ll let you know.

Of course, after I get one and try it. Unlikely on my bu
Wait whats the new job???

hi, fly!
i'm back in the central coast managing an organic kiwi farm until the war between cannabis growers subsides.

there are some huge farms doing THC and several small farms, that were excluded, have acquired "hemp" permits in close proximity.
the conflict has to do with "cross pollination"
,ie., CBD vs THC vs INDUSTRIAL HEMP. it's both hilarious and sad,.. it takes years to get a license to produce one acre of THC and practically overnight a qualified entity can plant 20 acres of non psychoactive hemp.

some of these hemp farmers are disqualified THC applicants who are purposely planting males next door. and if thats not enough there's the black market vs legal market conflict where our governor has threatened to send the national guard to "Murder Mountain"! YiKeS!!

(im laying low until the smoke clears,... get it?) 😉
hi, fly!
i'm back in the central coast managing an organic kiwi farm until the war between cannabis growers subsides.

there are some huge farms doing THC and several small farms, that were excluded, have acquired "hemp" permits in close proximity.
the conflict has to do with "cross pollination"
,ie., CBD vs THC vs INDUSTRIAL HEMP. it's both hilarious and sad,.. it takes years to get a license to produce one acre of THC and practically overnight a qualified entity can plant 20 acres of non psychoactive hemp.

some of these hemp farmers are disqualified THC applicants who are purposely planting males next door. and if thats not enough there's the black market vs legal market conflict where our governor has threatened to send the national guard to "Murder Mountain"! YiKeS!!

(im laying low until the smoke clears,... get it?) 😉
Jesus. What a shit show.
hi, fly!
i'm back in the central coast managing an organic kiwi farm until the war between cannabis growers subsides.

there are some huge farms doing THC and several small farms, that were excluded, have acquired "hemp" permits in close proximity.
the conflict has to do with "cross pollination"
,ie., CBD vs THC vs INDUSTRIAL HEMP. it's both hilarious and sad,.. it takes years to get a license to produce one acre of THC and practically overnight a qualified entity can plant 20 acres of non psychoactive hemp.

some of these hemp farmers are disqualified THC applicants who are purposely planting males next door. and if thats not enough there's the black market vs legal market conflict where our governor has threatened to send the national guard to "Murder Mountain"! YiKeS!!

(im laying low until the smoke clears,... get it?) 😉
So do the males turn them into weed? :confused: