Will you be my intarweb friend?

not only are pretty much every one of my canadian friends on facebook, a lot of my family is also. it's definitely not very popular in the US though. i think it's because most USians still think it's for college kids only. i'm pretty sure facebook will end up with unique members eventually simply because the bar is so much lower for membership. there's no pressure to immediately have to put in several hours refining a profile.

Facebook would be more popular in the US if it wasn't for all the damn Canadians on there. ;)
I think I had an 8 digit number but I lost it loooooooooong ago. Started with 2050

Maybe it's because I've had it for so long but I remember my ICQ number by heart, kinda like my driver's license number. I've had my ICQ number longer than I've had my hotmail account :lol: