UF Singles ads

Dory Berkowitz-Bukowski

Clam whisperer
Oct 15, 2004
Robin Hood Country
So if you were single and lonely and put an ad in the lonely hearts section what would it say?

Mine would be something like this:

Irritable woman, good at making sandwiches and cleaning seeks male, good in bed, able to put up with nagging and incessant questions for long term dependancy.
Tall Canadian lad who can cook seeks woman who doesn't nag and likes to clean and put out.
Gay dude seeking dudeish girl for drugs, gaming and buggery. Must be young, good at yard work, and good at ignoring my incessant complaining. pics?
Amalgamation of cultures and relaxed fit lifestyle.
Taoist nature and warm smile.
Comfortable with who I am and who you are.
Last one to judge and first one to forgive.
Always and forever a geek.
Wise in the ways of the care and feeding of the female of the species.
Act now and we will throw the first meeting for coffee/tea/drinks for free.
Old fashioned in respect and new age in understanding.
Pasty, flat-chick ISO flamboyant gimp with a tolerance to female flatulence, cooks, cleans, allergic to grass and loves multiple cat households.

Must let me watch him poop.