Food TV shows that you may not be watching but should be

Been watching Severence , and it is very weird. Im enjoying it. About a corporation that separates your "work mind" from your non-work mind.

Also "That Dirty Black Bag" , its a western but more like Id classify as a "weird western". 2 episodes in and shit is fucked up. Just fyi, the dirty black bag in question contains the heads of bad guys a bounty hunter has collected. Thats not really a spoiler, its just part of the show
Yeah we're enjoying severance.
Four episodes into Daredevil.
Gordon Ramsay Food GIF by Masterchef
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Really though? I think the movie ruined it for me forever.*
I didn't see the movie.
Probably wouldn't matter. The Punisher movies didn't ruin the series for me. I'm guessing the Daredevil movie would have no effect.
The Tom Jane Punisher has Tom Jane and a GTO, so I'm contractually obligated to like it.
Yeah, I liked that one.
Jane did a good job at the brooding thing. Some parts seemed too theatrical for a Punisher story. But overall, I like it.