Food TV shows that you may not be watching but should be

Damn, I didn't even realize that was him - awesome. I know SVU isn't great acting stuff, but he had a steady gig. It may have ruined his sale-ability in Hollyweird. IDk. Mariska Hargitay may as well just stay there until they shut it down imo. I like Vincent Denafrio's (another SVU alum) new gig on Daredevil - big, brutal, brooding and bald. Just like his first acting gig, Full Metal Sending Unit.(car joke):rolleyes:


You may want to save Happy! for a time when the lady with the keys to the TV isn’t around. I watched the whole first season, and it’s solid. It has parts that seem like their aimed at kids, but no way. I rated it 8/10 on IMDb.

It’s supposedly set for a second season but I wouldn’t be surprised if it got cancelled. It wouldn’t be the first one season casualty that didn’t deserve it (Firefly, etc).
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You may want to save Happy! for a time when the lady with the keys to the TV isn’t around. I watched the whole first season, and it’s solid. It has parts that seem like their aimed at kids, but no way. I rated it 8/10 on IMDb.

It’s supposedly set for a second season but I wouldn’t be surprised if it got cancelled. It wouldn’t be the first one season casualty that didn’t deserve it (Firefly, etc).
I save Harold & Kumar (and similar) for when she isn't home too. Why waste a good buzz when you could be laughing like a stoner, at the stoners. Although, she has relaxed on the stoner movies a bit since SHE started using CBD.:jvag::lolbow:
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Watching Blue Planet II on Netflix. Highly recommend.

For starters, all of the imagery is of the oceans and the life in it in HD and it's fascinatingly gorgeous. And the way everything is organized and presented is well set. Entertaining and informative. Rated 5 buttholes.
have you watched it in 4k on a oled screen tho
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After avoiding it for months, I finally broke down and started Daredevil the other day. I’m on episode 8 or 9, and not disappointed yet.

I doubt if I ever watch The Fist though because that guy always looks like he has a festering boil on his asshole.
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After avoiding it for months, I finally broke down and started Daredevil the other day. I’m on episode 8 or 9, and not disappointed yet.

I doubt if I ever watch The Fist though because that guy always looks like he has a festering boil on his asshole.

Daredevil is badass
So was the Punisher and Luke Cage
The others were meh
Too bad theyre all cancelled now
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