Friend of mine is immigrating to the UK. Even though she's a crown subject (South African), they won't give her a work visa. So she's getting EU residency in France to travel to the UK and work under the EU free trade laws.

Sharks are massively over-fished and there are concerted efforts to ban shark fin soup from restaurants all over Asia.

I don't want to catch one, keep it, and eat. Catch and release, like the majority of the fishing I do. Nothing wrong with that.
Friend of mine is immigrating to the UK. Even though she's a crown subject (South African), they won't give her a work visa. So she's getting EU residency in France to travel to the UK and work under the EU free trade laws.

She needs to recheck. EU NATIONALS have the right to work in the UK but not non-EU holders of the carte de sejour which is what she'll be. That only has relevance in France. The UK is NOT a signatory to the Schengen agreement so entry to France does not qualify you for entry to the UK. Chinese, for example, are less inclined to include the UK in their tours of Europe because they would need visas both for the UK and for the rest of the EU and that's one ( more difficult) process too many.
She needs to recheck. EU NATIONALS have the right to work in the UK but not non-EU holders of the carte de sejour which is what she'll be. That only has relevance in France. The UK is NOT a signatory to the Schengen agreement so entry to France does not qualify you for entry to the UK. Chinese, for example, are less inclined to include the UK in their tours of Europe because they would need visas both for the UK and for the rest of the EU and that's one ( more difficult) process too many.

shut up, ZRH looked something up on the internet and knows more than the queen.