NSFW SPAMALOT V. I Iz In Yur Target Stealin Yur Infos

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Maybe they have a sex swing and he's swaying in the breeze


Love it!!

After you do, can you make him blow me until I finish plz? :hi2u:

I'm not sure whether to laugh or be disturbed... no matter I'm a jealous bitch so the answer is NO!!!!!!!!

On hold with Disney trying to get some inter-help with their Disney Experience thing.

Fucking music... god damnit
I'm a Disney fan (have a trip in the works) but this new Disney Experience thing is awful. I swear Disney has the worst IT department and they always roll things out with out real testing and then people can't get it to work. Brilliant people...
As someone who use to do the cover band thing, so stupid a record company / publishing company would sue a local cover band like this over copyrights! Bruce Sprinsteen recently opened a show in Australia playing "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC. I find it hard to believe he took the time to pay a licensing fee to BMI or whomever to play that song since it was a cover. Is somebody going to sue "The Boss" now? I think not. Musicians constantly on a wim get up and jam various cover songs spur of the moment. Should members of Pearl Jam and Soundgarden be sued for millions for all of the time they played "Rockin' in the Free World" together when they showed up at each others gigs? And what about open mic nights? Record and publishing companies dug their own grave by allowing free music downloading after seeing the backlash Metallica took for standing up to it and now they go after the little guys in an attempt to recoup some money. Sad shit.

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