WTF So I just dick'd my butt

In non-ZRH news, I got pulled into a new project at work, to help out another business unit that's chasing an impossible deadline.

They're putting a bunch of electronics shit in an underwater box. This time around they decided "well we don't like aluminum, because it'll eventually corrode, and titanium is too expensive, so we'll use a plastic box" and they paid a bunch of money to get a handful built and they're proudly showing it off.

Problem is, the electronics shit takes about 60W of power. And the box is about the size of an Easy-Bake Oven. And it's got much thicker walls so it's better insulated than an Easy-Bake Oven. I end up doing the temperature rise calculation based on the plastic's thermal resistance + surface area/thickness and the far too optimistic assumption that the heat will be evenly applied to the inside surface of the case, and I determine that it's gonna be >300F in there. They've built a fucking Easy-Bake Oven.

Now they're pissed off, and they don't believe my calculations, and one of them is now gonna find a 60 watt light bulb and stuff it in the thing to try and show that I'm wrong. Can't wait.
In non-ZRH news, I got pulled into a new project at work, to help out another business unit that's chasing an impossible deadline.

They're putting a bunch of electronics shit in an underwater box. This time around they decided "well we don't like aluminum, because it'll eventually corrode, and titanium is too expensive, so we'll use a plastic box" and they paid a bunch of money to get a handful built and they're proudly showing it off.

Problem is, the electronics shit takes about 60W of power. And the box is about the size of an Easy-Bake Oven. And it's got much thicker walls so it's better insulated than an Easy-Bake Oven. I end up doing the temperature rise calculation based on the plastic's thermal resistance + surface area/thickness and the far too optimistic assumption that the heat will be evenly applied to the inside surface of the case, and I determine that it's gonna be >300F in there. They've built a fucking Easy-Bake Oven.

Now they're pissed off, and they don't believe my calculations, and one of them is now gonna find a 60 watt light bulb and stuff it in the thing to try and show that I'm wrong. Can't wait.
Water proof heatsinks through the box?

Also. LOL.
Water proof heatsinks through the box?

Also. LOL.
When the thing melts, I'm curious if they're gonna flip back to aluminum (which is >1000x more thermally conductive than the plastic), something cool but $$$ like naval brass, or do something real fucking dumb like have a heatsink insert with O-rings and shit that'll leak.
When the thing melts, I'm curious if they're gonna flip back to aluminum (which is >1000x more thermally conductive than the plastic), something cool but $$$ like naval brass, or do something real fucking dumb like have a heatsink insert with O-rings and shit that'll leak.
If you just put the electronics directly in the water the water will keep it cool. Problem solved. 😎