Ontopic Should people who are government leaches be allowed to have children?

You implied the government should still look after you despite your poor life decisions that you somehow think are someones elses fault. There is ZERO excuse for someone your age to have ever started smoking.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Government looking after smokers has what exactly to do with whether you should be allowed children? I've also never said anything about the government and how they should look after people who are smokers or drug addicts or anything of the sort.

I must post in my sleep these days cos I have no idea when I apparently say things. :lol:
Should have to do with whether you get government assistance or not. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for someones smoking habits now just so they can pay their medical bills later.
Should have to do with whether you get government assistance or not. Tax payers shouldn't have to pay for someones smoking habits now just so they can pay their medical bills later.

Just raise the tax on cigarettes to something ridiculously high to pay for the added care smokers accrue.
And uh...what does that have to do with anything at all that I've said?

Must have been sleeping again, cos I've never brought up healthcare and smokers. :lol:

It's a government service. so is handouts to those with children. When you are on the dole and you have a kid, your question was should the government fund that child, too, but there is also the expect of medical care for that child as well as the diaper/food/toy thing.
Just raise the tax on cigarettes to something ridiculously high to pay for the added care smokers accrue.

In the UK, the exchequer raises £10.5 billion a year from cigarettes. Costs to the NHS of smoking related disease are estimated (by the British Heart Foundation) at £5 billion a year. We make a profit out of smokers yay!
It's a government service. so is handouts to those with children. When you are on the dole and you have a kid, your question was should the government fund that child, too, but there is also the expect of medical care for that child as well as the diaper/food/toy thing.

Medical care for children has what to do with medical care for smokers? Unless you're saying those kids are lighting up at the age of 3.

Seriously, what a clusterfuck of nonsense.
I think your ratio of smokers is much higher than here

In the United States, an estimated 25.9 million men (27.1 percent) and 22.8 million women (22.2 percent) are smokers.

In the UK Smoking fell to its lowest recorded level in 2007 – 21 per cent of the population of Great Britain aged 16 and over.