WTF Religion trumps budget

1st the fact the while Clinton was in office he gave either 0 or the basic pay raise for government workers. To the point that when Bush took office the average military pay was well below the poverty line and many Service member could qualify for welfare assistance. Bush approved multiple years of twice a year raises well beyond the normal amount to bring it back into check.

Bullshit. Military pay was nowhere near the poverty line because it's a flat out lie to only use base rate in the equation. The only reason many servicemembers qualified for assistance was because many agencies didn't take BAH into account and many servicemembers are fucking idiots that get married to their high school sweetheart during boot leave, pop out a dependent or two thinking it'll get them out of the bricks and some extra spending money then blow their entire bonus on a fucking car. There's a reason one of the first things they force guys to learn these days is basic financial management.

The military pay gap has been grossly overblown for years. Not that those pay raises weren't good but to say that anyone in the military was impoverished due to anything but their own mismanagement of their finances and bad decisions is ridiculous. Even today kids are bitching that they're getting paid shit despite the fact that in no other field can an 18 year old be making the equivalent of nearly 30 grand a year with nothing but a high school education plus receive free medical, tuition assistance and most importantly a completely free ride to college after only four years on the job.

More importantly, if you're going to argue against his point then try to use a legit argument because government employ is a cheat in this case. He was clearly referring to private sector jobs. During those Bush years the average middle class income fell while the economy grew. For the first time in the history of the country. So to say that you prospered due to GOP policies - like what, invasions? because you know damn well that many of those increases in benefits and pay raises might not have happened if he didn't have to maintain his conservative base from the people he was sending into combat for no good reason - may be technically true but it's a total bogus move and you know it.

note: this rant stems from the fact that i've had to knock sense into more than one of my marines for being a fucking idiot with his money; complaining that he's broke when he has virtually no expenses but pretty much throws his money away on bullshit. there's no reason that anyone enlisting today or during the past decade without dependents or prior debt can't put at least half a grand into a savings account every month. fucking dumbass kids

edit2: oh and by the way, the line about clinton was wrong. he raised military and other federal pay every year he was in office. his last year gave a higher raise than bush did in his first

edit3: in fact, the pay raises from 2001 to 2006 were set in 1999 to be greater than private sector wage growth,13190,Philpott_101305,00.html
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Speaking of spending all your money on a machine. Why on earth did America buy this?

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All of them waste money and it all depends on if you agree with what the waste it on. Clinton wasted money on immigrant programs and welfare programs. No counting that Clinton was the start of the fall of Social Security with the looting of it to balance his budget.

almost every single president has borrowed from social security since the programs inception. the fall of social security is due to baby boomers retiring. the biggest population jump in this country's history in 1945 started to retire last year. uh oh, spaghetti-os.
Bullshit. Military pay was nowhere near the poverty line because it's a flat out lie to only use base rate in the equation. The only reason many servicemembers qualified for assistance was because many agencies didn't take BAH into account and mane servicemembers are fucking idiots that get married to their high school sweetheart during boot leave, pop out a dependent or two thinking it'll get them out of the bricks and some extra spending money then blow their entire bonus on a fucking car. There's a reason one of the first things they force guys to learn these days is basic
financial management.

The military pay gap has been grossly overblown for years. Not that those pay raises weren't good but to say that anyone in the military was impoverished due to anything but their own mismanagement of their finances and bad decisions is ridiculous. Even today kids are bitching that they're getting paid shit despite the fact that in no other field can an 18 year old be making the equivalent of nearly 30 grand a year with nothing but a high school education plus receive free medical, tuition assistance and most importantly a completely free ride to college after only four years on the job.

More importantly, if you're going to argue against his point then try to use a legit argument because government employ is a cheat in this case. He was clearly referring to private sector jobs. During those Bush years the average middle class income fell while the economy grew. For the first time in the history of the country. So to say that you prospered due to GOP policies - like what, invasions? because you know damn well that many of those increases in benefits and pay raises would have happened if he didn't have to maintain his conservative base from the people he was sending into combat for no good reason - may be technically true but it's a total bogus move and you know it.

note: this rant stems from the fact that i've had to knock sense into more than one of my marines for being a fucking idiot with his money; complaining that he's broke when he has virtually no expenses but pretty much throws his money away on bullshit. there's no reason that anyone enlisting today or during the past decade without dependents or prior debt can't put at least half a grand into a savings account every month. fucking dumbass kids

I am talking about BAH and base. I am also not talking about the 18 year olds that are married and have a new car. I lived through the lower pay. In 2001 my BAH went up almost a grand because it hadnt increased in so long. So remember there Mr. Marine you can't compare to the number you have now because so of us were serving and dealing with it when you were still giving BJs in the back room and masterbating to war movies. If there was a pay issue they wouldn't have had to do multiple years of 6% plus pay raises twice a year so I think it's you who needs to get his facts straight because my LES said otherwise.