Queef Smoking

Don't smoke cigars, trust me. I quit smoking cigarettes, then kept fooling myself by smoking cigars/cigarellos pretty much every day for waaay too long. It's fucking hard, but you can do it. Every time you want a smoke, just drop and do 30 pushups. It's good for you in more ways than one.

I have been walking instead of smoking, I need it after the holiday fatness. I was down to 225 before the holidays, which is amazing for me. I hit 260 at one point but usually sticked around 245-250. I hope to drop another 20 in 4 months or so, not really pushing it hard. I found that when I tried doing an everyday hard workout, I quit. Now I just quick walk a couple times a day and cut my food intake down by about 60%. Took me months to lose what I have lost, but its working.
I haven't smoked a clove since Friday, but I have a really bad cold and haven't drank since either. I'm not having any issues, but I really don't do it unless I'm drinking anyway, so there are always at least a few days in between smokes. Maybe I'll take this 4 or 5 day head start opportunity to quit as well.

Please do!!!
Don't smoke cigars, trust me. I quit smoking cigarettes, then kept fooling myself by smoking cigars/cigarellos pretty much every day for waaay too long. It's fucking hard, but you can do it. Every time you want a smoke, just drop and do 30 pushups. It's good for you in more ways than one.

I did that with cloves. I was like oh no they aren't real cigarettes then I would get back to 1/2 pack a day.
I smoked for years. One day I shrugged and tossed 3/4 of a pack in the trash. When you're ready you're ready. Until then you'll just be fighting against yourself for no reason.

People can't really give you advice on how to quit. It's completely in your head. You either want to smoke or you don't. Psychosomatic. Dig?
I smoked for years. One day I shrugged and tossed 3/4 of a pack in the trash. When you're ready you're ready. Until then you'll just be fighting against yourself for no reason.

People can't really give you advice on how to quit. It's completely in your head. You either want to smoke or you don't. Psychosomatic. Dig?


I had about 4 smokes left and tossed them yesterday. It was actually hard to just throw them away, I laughed about it afterward.
I smoked for years. One day I shrugged and tossed 3/4 of a pack in the trash. When you're ready you're ready. Until then you'll just be fighting against yourself for no reason.

People can't really give you advice on how to quit. It's completely in your head. You either want to smoke or you don't. Psychosomatic. Dig?
that's not entirely true. if you don't try to quit you might never discover when you're ready. it took me four or five tries before i finally quit. which is to say that i haven't had a cigarette in closing in on seven months.
that's not entirely true. if you don't try to quit you might never discover when you're ready. it took me four or five tries before i finally quit. which is to say that i haven't had a cigarette in closing in on seven months.

Nothing in this post is even remotely true. Ignore it.
Keep a few cigs around the house but rub the tips in your butt. That way even if you do break down, you'll go "This taste like Shit!" and not want one again.
I know this sounds mean but there is no trick. You just quit.

I still have cravings. I quit for two years and had cravings whenever I saw someone smoke. I re-quit again I think its been about six months. At this point the only thing that is keeping me a non-smoker is fear of cancer.

I honestly feel so much better and it is worth it. But there is no trick, you just have to decide to quit and quit.

yeah, you been good since july i think. maybe late july but right around there. that is awesome.