Queef Smoking

Keep a few cigs around the house but rub the tips in your butt. That way even if you do break down, you'll go "This taste like Shit!" and not want one again.

Was it you that suggested this for Mingles dog too? :fly:

I seriously struggled to throw away the couple that I did, nahhhh I am not addicted
Glass of water per craving. Stops the headaches, and keeps you from eating in excess.
I'm thinking of it. A couple of months I lasted almost an entire day without smoking. Keeping busy at work is easy so I don't even really have to smoke at home. But it's so ingrained in me to smoke inside. If I do give up (hopefully I will do soon) then I'm going to use any aids, I'm not that kinda girl. I'll do it on my own, nicotine can't be stronger than my mind, that's what I think anyway.
I have never had a chemical addiction, but playing Battlefield that is another story.

It's under control for now.