Ontopic Political Poo Flinging

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Oh, I see. It’s a fantasy world, where we can all try to better ourselves through arts, and become a well-rounded, satisfied individual.

Or there are a lot of folks who want to panhandle for a living. I hadn’t considered that.

Seriously. How are people going to pay rent and eat? I’m not talking about most people, I’m talking about ALL people.
I already answered this. UBI.
Education is heavily subsidized (and dirt cheap) in Canada. I paid about $1600/semester over 10 semesters to get my engineering degree from 97-03, probably cost me on the order of $20K CAD including books and other stuff. I did co-op engineering, and graduated with no student loans and a bit of cash in the bank. I paid for my first 2 semesters with a scholarship I won and savings from a 4 month minimum wage tourist job. Another summer job (minimum wage too, fixing computers in libraries) paid for my 3rd semester, parents helped me (thank fuck) with my 4th semester, then from there I was doing co-op internships which paid for the rest of my tuition.

Looking at the cost of education in the states, and knowing what wages are like, and with unpaid internships being a thing... I can't see how I could have feasibly done the same thing in the US. Like, I think there's a hell of a lot of smart people out there who would kick ass in the world and contribute all sorts of good shit to the country, but there's no practical financial means for them to do it.

Subsidized, affordable post-secondary education is a good thing for the country.
I also think "surprise, you got hit by a car, had no health insurance and now you're financially fucked for the rest of your life" is also a shitty way for a country to treat its citizens.

But hey, that's just my stupid opinion.
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