Please welcome djduquet

howdy stranger! :fly: good to see ya back.

i'm not really sure what PG means around here. maybe it's that you can be banned at any time? :iono: it used to mean you couldn't post in any other threads but that's changed.

so what's new with you??
howdy stranger! :fly: good to see ya back.

i'm not really sure what PG means around here. maybe it's that you can be banned at any time? :iono: it used to mean you couldn't post in any other threads but that's changed.

so what's new with you??

Not much. I know I just figured out that I can post in other threads. What the hell is the point of it? Keep down on newb spammers or excessive leachers/lurkers?

A lot is new. I finished college moved to Florida blah blah blah long story short I'm back to forum trolling. It's fantastic.

Far more rewarding than playing WoW. Screw that game.
good for finishing college! what is the degree? what are you doing now? and why florida?

History. Nothing. No idea.

I wanna go back. I need to finish paying off some loans and I want to go back and get my degree in Geology. Always liked that. I fucking hate the real world.
is your name DJ or are you a DJ??

and I am not theac.. you have been misled. :plot:

Was a DJ in college. I'm onto your shens... :p

hello thar.
I don't hate you.
welcome back. and damn you for leaving sweet sweet cold freezing michigan.

Why would you hate me :eek:

I'm happy I left Michigan. This whole not having to deal with snow, heating the house, wearing shorts all the time, silk shirts, sandles, and going outside without a leather jacket and scarf to have a smoke is fantastic. :eek: