People walking over graves

I was too busy thinking about being squished into a car with the two pretty ladies to worry about proper english.

I still believe I was right but I really don't care.
Thorn Bird said:
so it would be "I in the car"?
There is no 'to be' there. "I am in the car".

The grammar commitee has discussed this on AIM, my correction stands. :D
Thorn Bird said:
methinks you would be scared to death if actually in this situation.

I see my carefully cultivated internet alterego is working its magic.

I'm not quite sure what magic that is, actually.
Sarcasmo said:
I see my carefully cultivated internet alterego is working its magic.

I'm not quite sure what magic that is, actually.
*sarcasmo puts his robe and wizard hat on*
Bubbles said:
At least you and Sarcasmo have your heads in the right place..........squished between smothering boobage :D
I can guarantee I correct english usage in any situation.
Bubbles said:
It's working for me you sissy fgt :heart:

You should've seen me last night. Ultimate Fighting Champion on the t.v. in the background, me pumping iron in the foreground... I was like Captain Fucking Testosterone, all sweaty and breathing hard.
Sarcasmo said:
You should've seen me last night. Ultimate Fighting Champion on the t.v. in the background, me pumping iron in the foreground... I was like Captain Fucking Testosterone, all sweaty and breathing hard.
Which is why you never work out in a thong, ding dong
Sarcasmo said:
You should've seen me last night. Ultimate Fighting Champion on the t.v. in the background, me pumping iron in the foreground... I was like Captain, Fucking Testosterone, all sweaty and breathing hard.
zengirl said:
:( she doesn't get me the way you do
A zebra died and went to heaven. When he ran into St Peter he asked him "St Peter, I've always wanted to I white with black stripes or black with white stripes?"

St Peter replied "You'd have to ask Jesus that question. I'm sure he's around here somewhere."

A few weeks later St Peter comes across the zebra looking very excited.

"St Peter! I asked Jesus if I was black with white stripes or white with black stripes. But all he said was 'You are what you are.' and walked away. :("

St Peter told him this mean he was white with black stripes. The zebra asked "How do you figure that?"

St Peter replied "Otherwise he would've said 'You is what'chu is.'"

such a crap joke :lol: