Ohio sucks! There, I finally admitted it.

Um not quite.

It really hit home when chim was laid off and because even married Ohio wouldn't recognize us as spouses I could not put him on my insurance so we were flying blind until he found another job.

Lots of stuff are taken for granted when relationships are treated fairly instead of questioned. I am working with someone now that doesn't think homosexuality is a way life and is just a joke/phase/attention grabber and isn't real.

When you aren't treated like you are even human, it is grating.

I'm pretty sure you are always treated as if you're human. You're making a big deal out of relatively little. Marriage? Insurance? None of those equate to inhumanity. Do people perform experiments on gays in laboratories? Are gays used as slave labor? Do we have gay hunting season?
Um not quite.

It really hit home when chim was laid off and because even married Ohio wouldn't recognize us as spouses I could not put him on my insurance so we were flying blind until he found another job.

Lots of stuff are taken for granted when relationships are treated fairly instead of questioned. I am working with someone now that doesn't think homosexuality is a way life and is just a joke/phase/attention grabber and isn't real.

When you aren't treated like you are even human, it is grating.

There was a time when April was out of a job. We've been together damn near five years and I find it total bullshit that we would have to jump through bullshit marriage hoops to get her covered on my insurance.

And there are plenty of people who think April and my relationship somehow isn't valid because we aren't married. Shit, not only are we the happiest couple I know, but we've already been together much longer than most marriages. It's bullshit, but ya know what? That's life bro.

We have options and so do you. Both of us would rather just sit around and complain though.
Um not quite.

It really hit home when chim was laid off and because even married Ohio wouldn't recognize us as spouses I could not put him on my insurance so we were flying blind until he found another job.

Lots of stuff are taken for granted when relationships are treated fairly instead of questioned. I am working with someone now that doesn't think homosexuality is a way life and is just a joke/phase/attention grabber and isn't real.

When you aren't treated like you are even human, it is grating.

The insurance hub-bub, is one of the gay-hate fights you face. whole point of my post was you get upset about alot of things that isn't targeted at gays but becuase a gay was involved you automatically take it personally. you're gonna live a short stressfull life unless you lighten up a bit my little homo e-friend.

Depends on who you work for too, my company covers "life partners" or however they worded it. Lesbian chick accepted a position with us almost soley based on that, we poached her from the competitors.

And by lesbian chick, I dont mean porn star type college aged lesbian, I mean in her 50's could beat up most of your dads and has more facial hair than I could ever hope to grow lesbian. She's awesome though.

I dunno. I guess that would depend on the girl I'm with.