Interesting story on some false information about Columbine


I'm from the mindset that guns are a means to protect the castle because quite frankly you can never get guns out of the hands of bad people. The more restraint you put on them the farther underground they go.

Fight fire with fire.

I get that. But if nobody has guns then there's not really any fear that the bad guys will get you with guns. Plus I mean rationally, what's the chances you will a) have to protect your 'castle' with deadly force and b) you will actually have the thought to get your gun out of wherever it is in order to protect this castle.

It's kinda moot because you can't just rewind and change it so nobody has guns.
'as allowed by law'

It's not allowed unless you have a license and you can barely get anything. Only people who have guns are farmers. You can't just get one for a laugh.

But that's cool, wikipedia 300yr old laws.

Sigh, that wasnt my point. It does say you can have them though. Everything except one shot shotguns are effectively banned. We cant get them for a laugh either sheesh. You have to have a background check and buy from a licensed dealer. What you see on American TV isnt how it works. Last gun I bought the dealer wouldnt let me have because it said "For Law Enforcement Use Only." Cleared that up though :p

I also didnt use wikipedia. I have most gun facts memorized, except statistics, because they arent relevant to my arguments.

Prevention of Crime Act 1953 is what effectively killed self defense in the UK. I have a textbook on criminal law in england. Never have read most of it except the gun and self defense topics and it says "Any article is capable of being an offensive weapon" and an entire list of cases backing that up, including one involving a pepper shaker. >.>

This all has nothing to do with columbine though. And grats on not smoking. It's hard but it's gooooood for you. :)
Well yeah.

I'm not going to stand back and protect myself with a kitchen knife while some gangsters shoot me from a distance.
I don't understand your comment, but hope that you aren't saying that Moore was right.

In the aspect she pointed out, yes I am saying that.. I do know that MM has a tendency to bend the truth, but sometimes he's spot on.
What's the chances any gangsters gonna come into your home? You sound a bit paranoid. Unless you're in a seriously bad area I bet the statistics say it's a pretty long shot. Plus like I said, whats the chances that when this badass mofo gangster runs into your house you have the time to defend yourself with anything other than this kitchen knife?
Where do you think that gun he has came from?

Oh, right, it was stolen from a law abiding citizen
It's too late to fix that. Just like it is too late to legalize drugs.

What's the chances any gangsters gonna come into your home? You sound a bit paranoid. Unless you're in a seriously bad area I bet the statistics say it's a pretty long shot. Plus like I said, whats the chances that when this badass mofo gangster runs into your house you have the time to defend yourself with anything other than this kitchen knife?

There is a large chance given our poor economy. It would be plain stupid for me to not protect myself when I have the right to do so even if the chances are low there is STILL a chance.

Guns are not going away so the argument that they should be completely banned is null. Putting restrictions on them only makes them more of a problem.
In the aspect she pointed out, yes I am saying that.. I do know that MM has a tendency to bend the truth, but sometimes he's spot on.
She said he made a documentary about columbine. So yes she was right he made a documentary.

Spot on about him MAKING A DOCUMENTARY. o_O