I'm out of TV show seasons to watch. Hep hep! + SA mods are ban happy

I liked X files better when they did a different freak of the week. Like the guy made of cancer or the one where they visit the town of side show freaks.
As of late it's been Battlestar Galactica -the 21st century version - getting some serious playtime for me. I'm digging the show so far, but I like Sci-Fi so your mielage may vary.
lemon_fresh said:
Scariest X-Files epsiode ever:
Home Halloween 1999 about the the inbred Family of cro-magnons called the Peacocks. They kept mom under the bed, eeew. Creepy, creepy stuff.

--edited for correctedness

That one kicked ass.
I don't know why they don't just let that huge fat guy go after whatever monster is on the island. He'd eat that thing with fava beans and a bottle of Chianti.
I mostly find myself watching crappy documentaries that end up being a waste of time. Mythbusters is one of them, the rest are about Atlantis. I only watch the Atlantis docs because it's great to watch people with a PhD in Sociology babble on about a utopian society who operated on people using lasers! oh my. Bon Jovi is more of an authority.
Galen said:
I mostly find myself watching crappy documentaries that end up being a waste of time. Mythbusters is one of them, the rest are about Atlantis. I only watch the Atlantis docs because it's great to watch people with a PhD in Sociology babble on about a utopian society who operated on people using lasers! oh my. Bon Jovi is more of an authority.
You can find some useful stuff on Mythbusters though.