I'm getting plastic surgery . . . .

I have been researching laser hair removal. I hate shaving and would love to just get rid of it all. (armpits, legs, bikini, etc.) Tell us how the process goes and your satisfaction.

How did you pick the place to go?
I thought with Chikken you either talked about alcohol, motorcycles, scuba diving, or his nuts.

And people say I am one-dimensional.

I don't see how laser hair removal is plastic surgury. It isn't even really surgury.
I have been researching laser hair removal. I hate shaving and would love to just get rid of it all. (armpits, legs, bikini, etc.) Tell us how the process goes and your satisfaction.

How did you pick the place to go?

I picked Ideal Image, because I know they have a good rep. And they have financing so I don't have to pay out the ass all at once. Plus they're corporate office and test lab is in Tampa. Also, the girls that do the consultation have had the work done themselves. The girl i was talking to kept showing me the end results. I was crossing my fingers that she would turn on some 80's porn when we were talking about the bikini line. :rolleyes:
Ideal Image, the lady with the laser said that I should probably go ahead and get the numbing cream for next time. Also, I will not be doing it during lunch I will wait until after work so that I can go home and get ice cream and sympathy.

The sheer "What, like in the back of a Volkswagen" nature of this reply makes me giggle. Rep+