I Just Made a Lasik and Gyno Appt for Next Week -->

reverendsaintjay said:
The first day is the worst of it. After you get past the "owowowowowowowOMGMYEYESAREBURNING" part it's smooth sailing from there on out. Day 2 feels like you are reading 10pt font excel spreadsheets after you have had your contacts in for the last 36 hours. Uncomfy but not horrible. Day 3 you feel like you have slept in your contacts. Day 4 feels like you are a bit dry in the eyes, but not too bad. By day 7 or so you are 99% healed, no real side effects to speak of.

Aside from the recovery period you'll need to re-equip for a Lasik lifestyle. I took great pleasure in collecting up all of my contact-y type stuff and burning it. My glasses I donated to charity (they have a drop box here at work), otherwise I would have jacked those suckas up too.

All in all I'm probably making it sound worse than it will actually be, but I do that because no one gave me the slightest inkling that I would be going through what I did that first day.

Believe me when I tell you that while it's not happy bunnies and rainbows, it is something that anyone can endure. Aside from the ability to make it through the 'uncomfortable' period, it is 100% worth it. If it were possible to go higher than 100%, this would be a uniquely applicable situation to say that it was 137% worth it, or some such.

That sounded nice and honest, just what I needed to hear!

I'm bad tho, I rarely ever wear my contacts or glasses. So I dont know what it feels like to wear them for 36 hours. I walk and drive blind... because its hotter that way.
Scene 1:

Dark smoke fills the scene and pump up music slowly gets louder. The audience sees a ninja and his girlfriend eating at a super expensive restaurant. The girlfriend is so hot that steam is coming out of her mouth or hair. Some old idiot is sitting by the couple. The idiot is giving the girlfriend "the eye" and popping like 16 boners. But the ninja sees the boners and the music really pumps up. The audience knows this guy is dead meat for sure. But out of nowhere, the old idiot pulls off his jacket to show that he is a pirate with lasers and everything. The ninja is like yeah right who cares and then pops the biggest boner ever, bigger than the biggest blackest boner alive. The ninja's boner smashes the entire restaurant. Every single one of the pirate's boners explodes while making a whistling sound. The ninja looks back at his girlfriend. She smiles and they pork.
April23 said:
Can't be as bad as me JUST BEING FCUKING DEMODDED.

Hmm wonder who did that.
I think it falls into the whole, "since there are no rules, why do we need mod's" philosophy, but I could be wrong.
zengirl said:
I think it falls into the whole, "since there are no rules, why do we need mod's" philosophy, but I could be wrong.

It does, but I'm back.

If only I was on here more so I could actually do my job description. :(
April23 said:
It does, but I'm back.

If only I was on here more so I could actually do my job description. :(
I'm confoozled but I thought it was your blog thread which sent everything over the top?
bast_imret said:
Scene 1:

Dark smoke fills the scene and pump up music slowly gets louder. The audience sees a ninja and his girlfriend eating at a super expensive restaurant. The girlfriend is so hot that steam is coming out of her mouth or hair. Some old idiot is sitting by the couple. The idiot is giving the girlfriend "the eye" and popping like 16 boners. But the ninja sees the boners and the music really pumps up. The audience knows this guy is dead meat for sure. But out of nowhere, the old idiot pulls off his jacket to show that he is a pirate with lasers and everything. The ninja is like yeah right who cares and then pops the biggest boner ever, bigger than the biggest blackest boner alive. The ninja's boner smashes the entire restaurant. Every single one of the pirate's boners explodes while making a whistling sound. The ninja looks back at his girlfriend. She smiles and they pork.

I don't know why, but I cannot stop laughing. :lol:
KNYTE said:
I don't know why, but I cannot stop laughing. :lol:

It's because he said pork. Pork is obviously the funniest word in the english language and anyone that doesn't laugh at the word pork is crazy.

pork pork pork :april: pork
April23 said:
It wasn't really a blog thread, it had content. :dunno:
I see proof in your puddin, 9 pages later.

I dunno either, I still say we all get naked and hug.