Ontopic Health Thread: post your AIDS, diseases and infekshunz here.

been fighting off a cold or some kind of malaise this week
Its not the 'rona as I dont have any of the symptoms
just now I have a headache and Im fuckin exhausted.
Havent been sleeping worth a shit either
really just feel like I need to catch up on sleep

further updates as events warrant

those are exactly the early onset symptoms.
texas has the highest coronas in the usa
get tested
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been fighting off a cold or some kind of malaise this week
Its not the 'rona as I dont have any of the symptoms
just now I have a headache and Im fuckin exhausted.
Havent been sleeping worth a shit either
really just feel like I need to catch up on sleep

further updates as events warrant
Don't be a fucking idiot. Go get a test you dummy. It's free and you drive up.
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yup, they all only have the lab/10 day test
still looking ffs
This says they do antigen tests here, which are results in 15 minutes.

edit: Or more broadly, just Google covid antigen test near me. <3